Chapter 55 - A New Era

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What made things more evident was when they got reports of Kuman shinobi moving south of the Land of Hot Water. They weren't expecting Kiri to attack, but from little information they had on Uzushian politics, their participation wasn't really surprising either. From the battle site, they also found evidence of shinobi from Umi no Kuni present as well. Hiruzen had told himself that whether Konoha helped or not, Uzushio would have still fallen. Three great nations plus a smaller one against one small nation - a single island at that. As harsh as it may have sounded, they were fighting a losing battle.

Hiruzen cleared his throat as he tugged at his collar. "I-" started.

"Don't you dare lie to me, Hiruzen Sarutobi!" she snapped. "I want to know what the hell happened to my family and I want the truth!"

Hiruzen sighed as he rubbed his temples. It seemed that he really had no choice in matter. He knew that if he didn't follow her request, it would end badly for everyone. And they really didn't need such commotion when a war has just started.

"Alright." Hiruzen resigned. "Here is what happened......"

Mito listened intently, her eyes never leaving his has he began to tell her what she wanted to know.

"Months after the Uzukage sent Kushina here to be the next host of the Nine Tails', he sent me a letter expressing his concerns of rumors about Iwa plotting an invasion against Uzushio on their council." Hiruzen started. "No one was exactly sure what to make of it since rumors are never cut and dry."

"However, a few months afterwards, they sent another letter saying the same thing, only this time, they were more sure. We still did not know whether the information was sound and there was no solid evidence supporting their claims." he said before he turned away in shame. "So we didn't respond back."

"Sound information? Solid evidence?" Mito said, trying to check her anger. "What are you saying, Hiruzen? That my clan is unable to gather that type of information themselves? That were not resourceful enough? Don't forget that without my clan, Konoha wouldn't be standing."

Mito took a deep breath while Hiruzen frowned at her last statement. He remained silent as she turned to look him in the eye once more.

"By Kami, Hiruzen, what were you thinking?" she said with a stressful sigh.

"We couldn't do it, Mito." Hiruzen said. "It was too much of a risk and we were still trying to prepare for this war at the time. Sending forces there blindly would have left this village unprotected and vulnerable. I'm sorry, but I refused to let that happen."

Mito closed her eyes, pushing down the bubbling emotions within her. She was silent for a moment, not trusting her voice. She was afraid that if she would have said something, a chakra chain would have accidentally pierced through Hiruzen's heart. She allowed herself to calm down, reigning in her temper. When her eyes opened, they were emotionless and her face unreadable. She was much calmer than before, too calm for Hiruzen's liking. He shifted in his seat a little, feeling a little uneasy at her change in demeanor.

"Your reasoning is preposterous, Hiruzen." Mito said. "Aiding Uzushio would have only required less than 10% of Konoha's forces. You know what my clan is capable of. This fact only tells me that you are not telling me the whole truth."

"Did you really think I was going to buy that shallow excuse?" she scowled. "I maybe old, but I'm still as sharp as I was during my youth. Don't take me for a fool, Hiruzen."

His forehead creased pensively as silence fell upon them. No matter what he said to her, she was going to refute him. She wasn't going to take this injustice lying down and she wasn't going to be placated. She wanted answers. Unfortunately, Hiruzen couldn't give them to her. What information he did have was classified. To be honest, he didn't know what happening during the invasion, only what his men could report. The details of everything that happen on the southern island was still a mystery.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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