Just An Update

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Yo! I just wanted to address something concerning the story. This update is more directed to the more frequent readers since you're reading along.

I write according to the arc, meaning that whatever arc I'm on, I will continue it until it's completed. Right now, I'm on the Fall of Uzushiogakure Arc so this story won't be updated until the arc is completed. The reason why I do this is  to keep myself organized and not all over the place. My arcs are also in chronological order so the full compass of the story can flow better. I also do this for the sake of not spoiling future events of the story.

It was for this reason that I also created the arc guide at the beginning of the story (sorry for not explaining that in the previous author's note).  I was hoping that the guide would not only help navigate the readers through this long ass story, but allow them to  keep up with what I am working on currently. And sometimes, I will reveal what I'm working on next.

So, I just wanted to clarify this small part for those of you that are reading along. Didn't want you guys to think I was quitting it or anything. I worked to goddamn hard to quit it, haha. Anyway, I wanted to explain my little update system and what not. I didn't want to keep dropping author's notes within the story about arcs and stuff. It definitely saves me some time. See you guys soon and I'm glad you're still hanging on in there. 

Purple Heart of Diamonds, signing off!

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