My father told me if I ever saw him. I had to stay away from him. He claimed he was 'dangerous', but whenever I asked why I got the same bullshit answer; "You wouldn't understand."

The entire situation is sketchy, but I know there's a lot of people out there who are jealous of my father and his success. Not that I quite understand because he's an asshole, but he's rich and that's all people see.

I wish he would just explain to me why though, tell me reasons behind so many questionable things he does, but instead he shelters me and treats me like i'm a child.

Ever since my mom left he hasn't been the same. He's controlling and only cares about himself and work, but then again I guess the only thing that really changed was my mom leaving.

He's always been an arrogant asshole.

"Uh yeah, where are you going?" I stutter nervously, looking up into his eyes that are piercing into my own.

I couldn't be rude and ignore him, if I caused a scene wouldn't that be worse? I also couldn't help but stare at his cute green sweater 'Stay away from toxic people' it says.

Yeah this guy seems sooo dangerous, it literally has a cute little puppy on it. A fucking puppy.

"We're going to that dumbass restaurant called Sally's Shakes" the younger boy I hadn't seen speaks up next to Harry, making my eyes widen from the choice of words he used, while looking to me with a smug look, repeatedly raising his eyebrows up and down.

Did he just bite his lip?

Harry smacks the kid upside his head after seeing the look on his face, and i bite down on my lip trying my hardest to hold in my laugh but I just couldn't help it.

"Oh piss off. Now give us the directions"he growls, shoving Harry back out of the way.

"Sorry he's moody, needs a diaper change. He was trying to say please" Harry gives me an apologetic smile, tilting his head to the side, while shaking it slightly.

"Let's not talk about baby's Harry. Don't wanna hurt your feelings" the younger one snaps back, glaring at the both us, like I had also hit him on his head.

Angela is sitting back watching the whole interaction with a giant grin on her face, and I can already tell she's not going to let this one go. She see's how flustered I am and it's making her laugh.

I mean the least she could do is step in and help me. But no, she rather watch me struggle.

I hate talking to people I get all anxious and mean. I don't mean to I just never know what to do with my face, or where to put my hands. I was homeschooled, so I blame that for my terrible social skills, but to be honest it's probably just me.

Maybe if I just slowly sink down in my chair while they argue they'll leave me alone. Or I can just grow up, put my big girl pants on, and help them so this entire interaction can be over already.

"You walk out of here take a right. Keep going straight until you get to Meadow Lane. Then take a left and Sally's is on 4th Street" I explain, speaking over the two that are still arguing like i'm not even standing here.

After I finish explaining, they both stare at me like i'm speaking in another language.

I gave them three directions. It's not complicated. Was I talking fast?

"Can you write that down?" Harry asks, messing with the large thick rings on his fingers. The big 'H' and 'S' caught my eye as soon as he walked in here, because they are all very unique and pretty.

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