
43 9 3

•I'll be giving positive and negative opinions. How you respond to the feedback is up to you.•

✰ Author: monicavansa
✰ Book Name: Not Your Average Countess
✰ Score: 23

I appreciate the image however I don't think the font fits with it. Furthermore,try using capital letters in the title- personally I think it makes the cover look neater. Other than that I love the title. (4/5)

The summary is intriguing and almost humorous, I quite liked it and it definitely hooked me in.
A few things to point out:
The first sentence should be written as 'one year ago when the Earl or Devonshire, Cole Weatherly, had decided...'
Try not to repeat the word 'bloody' and the last sentences should be 'didn't bode well...". (4/5)

Writing Style:
As I read the first few chapters I loved the build up of the scenes and the suspense. It was a great opening to the story.
Your writing is good in the sense that it's intriguing and you use emotive language.
To make your writing even more descriptive I'd recommend beginning sentences with more of a hook, which is something you don't do a lot. Instead of starting with the or he or she try triple adjectives, adverbs etc.
I liked how your speech was written; it wasn't lengthy and boring.
You also used a variety of complex and short sentences which kept the story at a fast pace so continue doing that.
You included similes, now try metaphors, alliteration and personification. (7/10)

There were some missing capital letters.
Additionally, I noticed at times you use commas for no reason in sentences try not to over use punctuation.
There were also some grammar and spelling errors.
Punctuation like hyphens and colons can be used as an alternative for commas. (3/5)

The characters have been described amazingly and I love the story line. Keep up the climax and suspense. I would also like to see more character emotions and thoughts. (5/5)

Overall your story is interesting and has a great story line. You've written it nicely. Try to re edit to your work, for punctuation mainly, and work on making the start of sentences more descriptive to improve the story even more.

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