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•I'll be giving positive and negative opinions. How you respond to the feedback is up to you.•

✰Author: PrettyPinkAndie
✰ Book Name: Save Me
✰ Score: 26/30

Unfortunately, the cover is not enticing. I always pick up a book depending on the cover and read it depending on the blurb. The image is blurry and it could be a bit more creative. Other than that the title sparks curiosity in me and compelled me to open the book and find out the story.
The summary could use some editing. I would not say it pulls me in because it is a bit too short and lacking. Perhaps you could write a sentence or two about each character and then say what would happen when you put two different people together...

Writing Style:
To begin with, please don't add gifs in the middle of paragraphs. It's distracting and takes the mood away. There are many ways to describe facial expressions- you don't need a picture or gif to show it.
Describe a character through their expressions, actions, feelings etc- although you do do that in some chapters.
The opening is great because of the use of repetition which grabs the readers attention and emphasises the significance of what your saying or revealing. You use a range of sentence types and some ambitious vocabulary. I loved the first chapters, it was funny, fascinating and cute- especially the scenes between Ryder and David. The rest of the chapters were great too.
I though a lot about how you can improve and I realised why don't you add some pathetic fallacy. Describe the weather before an important and tense scene occurs. Perhaps the opening?
(Generous 10/10) minus the gifs..

I couldn't find any errors with spellings. You have used commas for clauses and exclamation marks, maybe think of the use of semi colons to split sentences or joint them. You use ellipses excessively and in places where it is unnecessary.

The introduction of the characters and the meeting of Ryder and Skylar is wonderful. You give snippets of the character's lives and I feel as though I know them. The sparks and feelings between Ryder and Skylar is evident and you build on it gradually- although you could use more description for when they go out. Overall I loved all the characters, each person had their own personality and were just cute. The storyline is interesting because it's something I didn't expect- the pregnancy. I really want to know what happens with the baby and the mom (Skylar).

Your a great writer and it's clear your work is checked over. There's not many problems but everyone can improve by going above and beyond. I don't recommend the use of gifs and cut back on the use of ellipses. You have used similes, metaphors and repetition. I'd say try expanding on characters emotions.
Great job!

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