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G W E N ' S P O V :

"But we have our phones!" I said. Took it out and start capturing the two of us in my front cam! Thank goodness the sky's bright and the lamp is in its fullest bright mode.

And we both started taking picture from both our phones. And eating our take outs and drinking canned beer! While him still taking stolen shots of me eating ungracefully.

"So what's the reason for bringing me here? You're so mad awhile ago!" I said while munching my fries.

"Don't go there! We'll talk that some other time!" He replies, putting his arms on my shoulder. He look in the sky as he continues. "This is the hundredth day since we first kiss and our first month of being officially together!"

I was stunned! He probably really likes me to track the dates! Boys don't usually do that!

"That was wonderful to know that you remember those things!" I said hugging him around his waist! "You know the dates of everything?!" I asked and kiss him on the cheek.

"Sort of!" He said then peck me on the lips.

"I love you Austin! Don't forget that!" I said then kissed him again, longer this time.

Then he let me go and chuckled. "Wait! Before we go there! There's other reason I bring you here!" He said while stroking my hair and looking me in the eye!

"About what?"

"About us!" He said in now serious voice.

"Us?" I asked in confusion. Is there anything wrong about us.

"You that I'll be going to Paris for college, right?!" He said looking at me intently, waiting for my answer.

"Yeah!" I answered with a deep sigh.

"Wait I'll just put this on cause the mosquitos might think we're their dinner for tonight!" And we both laughed because of that. He interrupted the seriousness of our topic by standing up and assembling the mosquito net that looks like a tent, while still chuckling. And to what I've expected, it really is big like the size of a tent.

"I am actually avoided talking about that! I've heard it from my mom! And they were concerned with what I'm going to feel when you leaves." I said after assembling the net and sits down again beside me.

"Let's not avoid talking about that! Cause it's about our future." He said, then he kiss me on the head as he continues. "Paris has the best school for arts and photography. And I can study business there too."

I just nod my head anticipating what he has to say! I'm avoiding talking about that cause it feels like he's already leaving me.

"I'm leaving a month after graduation Gwen!" He said that saddens his voice and made me teared a little. "It's about my future! Our future actually! There's no other woman I want to spend my life with forever, other than you. And even though, our company will soon be mine when the right time comes, I still want to finish my study and pursue my dreams. That means I have to be in the best place for my education. I'll leave, but we'll continue this, right? Is that okay with you?" He asked.

"Yeah! I'll wait for you! I swear!" I replied.

"It won't be that long! A year I guess!" He said smiling at me while I'm tearing up.

"What do you mean?!" I asked in a subbed.

"After you graduate here, if it's okay with you, I'll pick you up here to study in Paris too, with me! We'll just have to wait for a year!"

"But I cannot afford studying there! We're not well of, you know that!" I exclaimed.

"I talked to my parents about that already and they agreed to give you sponsorship." He confessed.

"Isn't that too much?!" I looked at him and he shook his head. "Will my parents allow that? My parents will never want us to be a charity case!" I said knowing my parents principles.

"We'll get there when that time comes! I just really wanted to be with you! Can you wait just for a year?!" He asked holding my hand tightly.

"I can! What I cannot take is loosing you!" I said that makes him smile sweetly.

"I love you!" He said then kissed me on the lips softly.

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