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Gwen's Pov:

As we arrived school and as I land my feet to the ground from David's car. My eyes focused on someone in the school's parking lot. I can't help it, the thing that I always do first is looking at Austins parking space. It becomes a habit for years. He's not alone. Beside her is Betty, the head cheerleader along with Audrey and Daisy. They rhymes. Hehe. But she's not as bitchy as those two. But I don't like her too because for so long she's also aiming for Austin. She'd been so vocal on how she's so damn into Austin. But its just now that I saw them together.

They're both sitting on his car hood and Austin glance at me when he felt my presence, while Betty keeps on talking something but Austin seems like not interested. Then all of a sudden, Austin lean unto Betty and kiss her while staring at me. I can see it, it's as if he's showing it to me. I can see how startled Betty is but still responded with her hungry mouth.

I don't know how will I react to this situation. So just like how normal people should do. I look away and start walking towards school entrance. I didn't even notice that there's a tiny wetness in my eyes.

"Are you okay Gweny?" Emily asks, concerning about my feelings as we witnessed the make out session in the parking.

"Can I be honest? Am not. He kissed me at the party and now he's kissing another girl just now. Why did he do that?!" I said wiping the small amount if tears in my eyes and cheeks.

"What? Did I heard you right? He kissed you at the party" Dave asking as confuse as Emily.

"Yes! I thought it's the start of something new. But I guest am just like another car he test drive." My heart aches and I felt my eyes watering.

"Can you elaborate what happened." Emily said full of curiosity.

"Later! lunch break. I don't want us to get late." Then the first bell rang.


"Oh my! Gwen! Is this for real?! That was your first kiss!" Emily exclaimed. She is in shocked after I tell the two of them almost everything that happened at the party.

We're sitting on our usual sit in the cafeteria with only the three of us.

"I know, and it seemed that he doesn't value it" I said it with my sad and disappointed tone.

Dave didn't say a thing. He's a bit shock and he looks like sad hearing it.

"Darling, he doesn't know that it's your first. You should have told him." Emily said again.

"What for? To boost his ego and for something to be laugh about?"

"But why did you tell him to forget and pretend that nothing happened then you'll act like this? Darling, he's a guy. Sometimes boys are too slow to notice that your just shy. He'll think that you're regretting it." She exclaimed.

David butts in "Stop that Ems." He said to emily and turn to me "Gwen maybe he's just attracted to you at that moment. Because you look so damn hot that night. But you see, his attention fades away the next day and go back to his usual taste. Just forget it. You'll meet someone better than him someday"

"Why're you so negative. Maybe he likes her for real and he's just shy to admit it." Emily defended.

"Am just being real. Does he looks like a shy guy while kissing Betty in front of every body"

I don't listen to them anymore. Am sad and I feel mad about it. And look at the table a little far from us. There in the popular group. Not to be stereotypical, me and Dave are also popular but that is the rich hunky group including Austin. Thank God Betty wasn't with him at the moment, to add the sadness that I am feeling right now.

Austin glance at me a little and turn away immediately as if the sight of me burnt his eyes.


After class is cheer practice. But thank God we didn't have to practice today. I think I don't have the energy for it. We gone through emergency meeting with the football and basketball team, because of the collision of the schedule. The basketball will be held in the afternoon after lunch and the football will be held on the afternoon almost nighttime with the same day. Two weeks from now.

The school management wanted to divide us into two groups and our couch will be the one who'll divide us for equality and fairness.

"As you can see, we can't equally divide you guys. So the remaining one has her option." our couch says and look at me. "So Evans, I'll let you choose. Basketball team or football team?" This always happened because we're thirty five. But this is the first time that I am the one who is left to choose.

"Couch, can you just choose for me?" I asked.

"You do it. What team are you more comfortable with?" My considerate couch said.

"Evans choose basketball team. We'll surely win this for you." Shouted Ronald, the basketball team captain. I heard he has a thing for me, but I didn't believe them, coz he hasn't done anything about it yet. So there's no evidence.

I just smile. Then I look at football team, particularly at Austin. He's looking at me intently, a bit annoyed. Then I remember what I saw earlier in the school parking lot.

Then I did something hopefully I won't regret. "I'll cheer for the basketball team."


To those who's still want to read this. Thank you and am sorry for updating a bit long. Am kinda busy with school stuff. Yah know. Anyways, hope you like the story.


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