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Gwen's Pov:

"Oh hi Mr. A. Do you remember my daughter Gwen?" My mom said in a lively tone.

Today is the New Year Party that my mom is talking about. It's just seven in the evening and we've been here for hours. And I'm a little bored.

I only enjoyed the time when a famous singer performed. And when I saw two or three celebrities here tonight. Other models attended where those I've been seeing every year. After mingling a little with those I haven't seen before and taking picture with celebrities, everything is boring again.

My parents roam around. Bryan plays with my parents coworkers kids. Me, well! I just sit here like a wall flower. Other teenage children of my parents co-workers that are closest to me did not attend. Things became boring.

All I can say is that everyone is enjoying except me.

But then my mom came to me coz she wants me to greet their boss.

"Are you really Gwen, you've grown so lovely my dear. Why I haven't see you this days." Mr. Anderson said.

He is very down to earth kind of man. The CEO of the company where my parents work. He looks a lot like the older version of Austin. Except for his eyes. Mr. Anderson's dark brown eyes always look happy and glowing. In love and carefree. While Austin's blue gray eyes always looks emotionless, grumpy and flirty at times.

I wear a black spaghetti strap ball dress. It's so simple but elegant and it reaches just above my knees. My make up is as simple as my dress, just the smoky eye effect and nude pink lipstick.

"Oh hi. Mr. A. It's so nice to see you again. I'm actually working for you twelve hours a week, you're just so busy, that we haven't bump with each other there." I said cheerfully.

"You know some business abroad. It needs my attention most of the time. That is why I am always bring your father with me to entertain me." He joked and I reply with just a nod and a giggle. "So you're in our scholarship program?" He asks.

"Yeah!" I replied

"I hope you're enjoying your work with us. It will be good for your resume someday." He said.

"I know right! And I'm so thankful for the opportunity Mr.A!" I replied sincerely.

"Don't mention it. It's an employment benefits of your parents! For loyalty and dedication." He said and I just smile at him. Then he looks at my mom. "Time run so fast, right? They're grown ups now!"

"Exactly Mr.A!" my mom replied proudly.

"I'll tell Austin to entertain you. I heard you're school mates. People your age got easily bored in a parties like this." He turn to me again.

"Oh no sir, we really don't talk that much." I blurted out.

"Why? You're close when you were kids. I thought...." His expression change into confusion "but anyways I insist. Stay here. I'll call Austin for you. It seems that you're not familiar with other kids here. They're also new in my eyes."

"But sir....." he walks off without even hearing my reply.

So I just sit down and play with my phone. While my mom leaves me again to mingle with people she always meet almost every day.

Minutes later. I felt a powerful presence near me.

"Hey!" I look up as I heard his voice. "My dad called me to entertain you." And I saw the guy I've been looking for hour. And God! I can't blame myself if I'm drooling right now. He's the most attractive guy I've ever seen my whole life. He's wearing a dark gray long sleeve. A black skinny jeans and a dress shoes. But then he smirks and everything fades away. "You should take a picture, it'll last longer" he said with a smirk. That makes me came back to the reality.

"I am not!" I replied as I felt my face becoming hotter. I bet I'm turning red.

"Whatever!" Then he gives back his attention to his phone again. "So, what do I need to do to entertain you. I thought you're enjoying the attention of the male models awhile ago!" he said.

What's wrong with him?

"D-did I?" I asks confusedly. "Do I look like I'm enjoying a while ago?"

"Yeah! Like you always do every year!" He said as if accusing me of something. That makes me confuse more! "So what do you like me to do your highness!"

"Nothing just sit there, don't talk and keep doing what you want" I whispered in a tone that I thought he wouldn't heard.

I bet he heard it and I think it irritates him because he stares at me longer and with a glare and that expression that I cannot seem to read.

Then his stares came to another trans when my phone rings.

"Hello?" I answer it without even looking into the callers id.

"Babe, we're here at Gabby's party. Wanna join us?!" Oh it's just David. I thought they're not close.

"Stop calling me babe, it irritates my ears." I replied and glance at Austin who's still looking at me intently. "I can't dave. I'm in a party with my parents."

"Oh common Gwen, that sounds boring and oldy. Just come here, Gabby is looking for you." He replied in his semi drunken voice.

"And why would Gabby look for me? I already accepted his apology a hundred times." Austin still looking at me. I think he heard what we're talking about.

"I don't know babe. Just come here before I got wasted, ok?! See yah in a bit" he said then he hangs up without even waiting for my reply. "tut tut tut." That's all I heard.

"Hey darling, what's up? Who called you?" My mom said all of the sudden, I haven't even notice that shes already beside me. I think my senses only works with one person at the moment.

"It's Dave, mom. Look! I don't even know anyone here other than you guys. David is waiting for me. Can I go now?!" As much as this party bores me. Austin makes my heart ache in here.

"Aren't you waiting for the final show?!" She asks.

"Is the last performance's One Direction?" I asks jokingly but sarcastic.

"Oh my dear! Today isn't runway show!" My mother replied giggling. "Honey, maybe Dave is already drunk out there. Who would take care of you and will drive you home?" She asks

"I can manage and I can take a cab, please mom" I pleaded.

"Austin is here honey, how can you leave him here alone?!" My mom asks. She knows I have a crush on Austin.

"Actually Mrs. Evans, I'm also heading there. The guy that throws that party is my friend and he texted me that he is waiting for me." Austin butt's in. Then he looks at me and looks back at my mom. " if its ok with you. I'll take Gwen with me. And I'll drive her home later."

I'm shocked. Really shock. I bet they can see it through my face that Austin's word really does shocked me.

"Ok Austin, but can you also take care of her there. Don't let her drink too much. If that's ok with you?" My mom pleaded and he just nod with her request. And she looks back at me "Take care honey, okay! Don't be home too late." then she kiss me goodbye.

"Yeah yeah!" I replied. "Bye mom!" Then I kissed her goodbye as I started to follow Austin who's now walking out of the party to the parking lot.

"Moments ago, I was asked to be your entertainer. And now a babysitter. What a night!" Austin whispered to my ear when there's only me and him in the parking area.



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