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G W E N ' S P O V :

He drives me home after we eat breakfast. But we did a lot of explaining (alibi) to my grandmother on the reason why I didn't come home last night. Ofcourse I cannot tell her what really did happened, but Austin did really great in talking that's why my grandma didn't have to whipped me with her wooden spatula.

I remember being whipped with sleepers plenty of times, just to discipline me cause I am a little naughty child. My mom and dad is okay with that as long as it will not bruise us. But my grandma stopped doing that when I turned 13. She said I am grown up. I don't need whipping anymore to know what's right from wrong. But sleeping in other peoples house without acknowledging them and going home almost noon is a different story. And I am already did readied myself for the whipping that thank to Austin didn't come.

After that incident everything about Austin and I's relationship seems fine. He's with me the whole sunday, watching netflix and doing random things.

Until monday comes.

He pick me up my house and drive us to school. And this is the first time that I don't have to go down two blocks before school gate. This is the first time we're going in together. And I fell happy and nervous about it at the same time.

He opened the car door for me and we walked to the car park hand in hand while everyone who wasn't in the football game look intensely at us. Especially Ronald's team mates. I mentally remind myself to talk to Ronald when I see him later.

We keep on walking hand in hand as we entered the school. Then we stopped in my locker.

"See you later at lunch." he said smiling at me. I nodded and smiled back at him. Then he leaned forward give me a peck on the lips. That made me smile even more.

I opened my locker and put my books inside. The pick the things I needed for my first period. Until I felt someone at my back. I turned to face them and I saw their irritated caked face raging eyes looking at me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Bitch!" Daisy said.

"Coming from you?!" I asked mocking her.

"You're a whore for playing with Ronald's sincerity and shifting to Austin!" Daisy said.

"Your delusional for thinking that you really got Austin. He'll just play with you then throw you after." Audrey said, not even letting me speak for once.

"You'll going to regret taking away Austin from me." Betty said. Then they turned and walk away from me.

They are so damn amusing!


Gossips can be heard in every corner of the school about us the next day. Specially about me. That I am delusional, hypocrite and a bitch that lure Austin into me. But I don't care, my friends and us knows the truth.

I can't use Austin's secret as a proof that he's in love with me since we were just a child, that I am not just the his last conquest and that I didn't lure him into me. I want it to remain as it is, for the sake of our privacy. And I want what we have to remain to the two of us. I mean, eleven persons to be exact. Our family and closest friend.

I thought everything will be alright. Until gossips became verbal bullying. Those I believed my friends were now judging me too. They thought I'm sailing into two rivers.

Ronald doesn't want to talk to me anymore. He didn't even clear things that we're not really an item. But maybe, somehow, I should be blamed about it. Maybe I did lead him on because of my confusion. So I just let them say those horrible things to me.

As much as Austin and I is as popular as Ronald and Betty, they thought that I started the chaos and Austin is on the wrong side. And started bullying me.

They sometimes put chewing gum on my seat, put garbage in my locker and some more immature things.

But bullying becomes worse. One day they've thrown a bucket of ketchup to me. But then Austin have done something about it. He has the connection to know who's the mastermind, and it's Daisy. He made sure that she'll pay for it. Her punishment is to clean the cafeteria for a week with her minions.

But Austin can't control everything. I still got bullied. And it's been happening for two weeks now. My parents discovered it and got worried with me. But still, they don't know what to do with it. And they believe that Austin and Dave is there to protect me. Thank God that the only physical bullying that they've done to me is to throw baseball ball to my head intentionally that looks like unintentional. But Austin comes to know about it also, because I got dizzy and put to clinic for an hour. He beats the guy who throw it on me. That leads Austin to be reprimanded and have a detention.



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