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Gwen's Pov:

"Mom, dad, we didn't do anything. We were just sleeping." I exclaimed.

"Fix yourself, the two of you. We'll talk downstairs." my father said before walking out of my room.

I went to the toilet, brush my teeth and comb my hair. Go out, not even bothering to change clothes.

"Why're you still here?" I asks while he went to the toilet too, didn't even close the door. He just gargled with mouth washed, wash his face and comb his hair with his hand. And he come up as gorgeous as ever. Why is he so perfect?

"I fall asleep." He started. "Next thing I know, you're parents are already here."

"So what are we gonna do now? What are we going to tell them?" I asks panicking.

"Let's go. Don't worry, I'll do the talking." He answered as if we're not just have been caught sleeping on my bed.

I followed him while his going downstairs and to the kitchen. Where my parent and grandma are sitting not even talking to each other. My mother saw us and gestures us to sit down.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Evans." Austin said politely. Wow! He's greeting my parents as if nothing happened. "Good morning ma'am." and to my grandma too.

"Good morning too utoy(youngman)" my grandmother greeted back.

My mom just smiled to us but my father didn't even say a word. More than angry, he looks disappointed with me.

"So you too are now together." My father started.

"Yes Mr. Evans." He answered.

I'll let him do the answering. I just sit there listening to them while my head down. I felt my grandma held my hand. To support me, maybe.

"How long have you been together?" My mom asks.

"It's been two weeks I think." He answered again.

"Not even a month and you're in her room sleeping together." My father said in louder voice. Hope Austin is feeling just fine. 'Cause I am not.

"Well Mr. Evans, it's all my fault. I am sorry. I was texting and calling her last night for hours and her phone is off, so I come here. Then I..... I should have -"

"I let him in." My grandma butt in. "But Gwen's not feeling well so I lead him to Gwen's room. I fall asleep and I didn't know that he didn't leave last night."

I could kiss her right now.

"Mom!" My mom, as if scolding my grandma.

"I am sorry again. Gwen's not feeling well because she's suffering from menstruation cramps. So I stayed in her room and we're just talking some things. I didn't meant to. I unconsciously fall asleep, beside her. The next thing I knew you're already there. And it's already morning." He explains. He's really is good with the talking huh. And his explanations sounds like we're head-over-heels in love with each other. Very convincing.

My father and mother nodded, I think they did understand last nights situation. They were convince by Austin's lies. It's partly true anyways.

"Does your parents know?" My dad asked again.

"That we are dating?!" he pause for a while. "Yes sir! They know."

It shocked me. We're just officially got together last night. So how come his parents already know?

"Don't call me Sir, you know that I'm your father's employee. But whatever our status may have been, I'm still Gwen's father. I'll just let this slide for now. But I hope this will never happened again. You both are still young." He's now calm. And the tension inside the dining room is gone.

"Yes Mr. Evans, I'm sorry again!" Austin said while nodding his head.

"Yes dad." I said.

"Okay! Enough of that. Let's all eat now." My mom, she's now smiling sweetly and she wink at me. "Austin, stay okay, and eat breakfast with us."

"Thank you Mrs. Evans." Austin also smiled.

Then we all eat peacefully as if nothing happened. My father and Austin is now talking about photography again. While me and mom is talking about prom.

When Austin is about to leave, I followed him outside my house to his BMW.

"Austin! wait." I called before he got to enter his car.

"What?" He asks as he turn and look at me.

"Can we keep this a secret? For now?"

"To whom?" He asked with confusion

"To the whole school."


"Same reason!" I look at him pleading.

"What the.... two weeks is up. What else are your excuses?" He asks getting annoyed again

"Well! I just not used to this. I haven't had a boyfriend. So can I adjust to the situation first? Before the whole school knows." I said with my pleading expression.

"Okay fine. Take your time adjusting. I just have one condition." He said.

"Okay what is it?"

"We'll tell it to our close friend. They should know, right?"

"Yeah right!" I must agree. I shouldn't keep secret to David and Emily. I nodded at him and smiled.

He looks at me, from head to toe with a frown in his face.

"Get inside!" he then give me a peck on the lips and leaves.

I go back to the house hugging myself, I just remember how thin my pyjama shorts and tank top is.

I went looking for grandma and I found her in the backyard watering her plants. Then I hugged her from the back.

"Thank you lola." Then she turned her face back to me and tap my cheek.

"You thought I didn't notice that you're sneaking out of the house every night. And the car waiting outside." She said while removing my hand around her, turn around and hold my hand. "I may be old but I am not blind and I am not yet deft. I feel you. But remember that you're still young. Don't make the same mistake." She stated pertaining to my mothers mistake back then.

I didn't say anything. I just nod and hug her again. Thank God I have her.


xoxo 😘

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