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Austin's Pov:

When I arrived home. I saw my mom talking to someone in her phone. Then she looked at me smiling while she shook her head, when she felt my presence. I was shocked she wasn't angry, coz she'll have her unending rants whenever I go home in the morning staying the night to another place that she didn't know. She thought am still am a kid!

"You have a story to tell, huh?" She asks giggling. Maybe it's Gwen's mom that she's talking with earlier.

Well, the reason my mom and Gwen's mom is kinda close is that, my mother's youngest sister is her mom's highschool bestfriend. And the story goes on.

"Later mom! I don't want to be late for school." I kiss her on the cheek and go up to my room. Her eyes in protest as if she want to fish some more information from me.

Thanks to Gwen's mothers scream, for waking us up early. And the talking doesn't take that much of the time. So I still have time to prepare for school.

I can't drive her to school today, because her dad will be the one to drive them whenever his there. It's kind of a bonding for them. I heard him told my dad!

"By the way honey! Go to the office after school. Your Dad wants to talk to you!" She shouted because I'm already am in the staircase.

"About what?!" I asked!

"About Paris!" She answered that startled me.

How can I forget Paris? Paris has the most prestigious college for arts. I love arts more than any material thing in the world. And because I love photography more than a habit, I asks my parents to send me there for college, a year ago.

My father and I has been fixing everything. So after graduation, I'm all prepared and ready to go.

Thank goodness my parents supported my dreams. And thank goodness it's in line with our business. I just have to take up few business management courses so I'll have the knowledge to run our company someday.

I just nod and walk up stairs again! Readying myself to have my morning routine.

I arrived school just in time. Maybe Gwen is already inside the school, in front of her locker putting all her stuff in there.

Am I a stalker? No! I just always notice all she does, everyday!

While walking in the corridor, I felt a soft hand sneaking around my waist. Then I saw Betty, again. Just like what I imagined it would be. After kissing her once, she's always out there, sticking on to me like a leech, always ready to suck my blood. I shouldn't have kiss her in the first place.

"Betty, will you please don't touch me." I said coldly, glaring at her.

"Honey, what's wrong?" she asks seductively, flirting with me as if my words doesn't hurt her at all.

"The only thing that is wrong here, is you." then I slightly pushed her aside and she didn't say anything anymore. She just pout her lips and walked away stomping her high heeled black shoes!

She's pretty! Yeah! But I'm not attracted to her. She didn't even make my shaft hard whenever she squeeze his breast to my arms. It feels annoying.

There's a reason I don't do relationships. And I hate commitments. I mean I don't hate it. But I don't need it. I just can't. That's all.

Then I put on my poker face. I guess, I'm a pro on that field. And walk away.

There I saw Gwen. Leaning onto her locker holding her books. Why does it make my groin ache just the sight of her?

But I think my brain is going to explode because there she is talking to Ronald again. And the boy is smiling to his ears and his eyes not leaving her. Doesn't he has anything to do with his life than sticking around her?

I can't seem to understand why this fucker is always around her. Oh yeah I know it. He's into her, but that girl is now mine. Yes, Gwen is pretty, even I can't take my eyes off her. She's now even looks prettier after the first time I had her. I have rights to feel this way, right?

I want to punch this idiot but I can't. For the sake of my image and grade. I've been behaving myself for a whole senior year. Refraining myself from all chances of getting into trouble. Because of Paris. And I don't want to go to detention. It's a waste of time.

So I just went near them. And while I am getting close, I heard what Ronald asked her.

"Why are you not replying or answering my call?!" He asks.

"Oh I am not feeling well this days that's why I didn't even notice my phone." She answered.

They're pain in my eyes, so I went closer to them and interrupt their flirtatious conversation.

"Hey Gwen! Are you okay now?" I asked for a start. Then the two look at me. But Gwen's eyes, looks like she's asking, What are you doin'? But I just smirk.

"Oh hi Austin!" She said with a frown."Well! I think I'm fine now."

"How'd you know about her not feeling well?" This bastard now has the guts to ask huh.


An: just an overview of Austin.

Xoxo 😘💋

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