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Gwen's Pov:

I seldom see my dad so as my mom. After giving birth to Bryan, they became so busy that they do not have time for us. My dad is always out of town. My mom gone to work before we even wakes up but she see to it to ask our day every dinner that she's home. I do not have any hard feelings for that. They're striving hard to give us a better life.

At least we have our grandma with us. But she's getting old and I'm afraid she can't take care of us that much. So I'm helping on household chores cause she insisted on not having a house helper.

So when I saw mom and dad waiting for us in the parking lot after school, I felt very happy. I waved and run to them. And Bryan is already there too.

"Hi mom. Hi dad." Kissing them both "Why're you here?!" I asked.

"We're picking you and Bryan up. Because we are going to buy you dress for the Prom, today." My mom said.

"Wow! That's nice mom." I hugged my mom. Then I look to my dad who's now talking with someone I didn't even notice that's also there. "Oh Austin?"

"I just come to say hi to them. Haven't seen them in a while." He replied.

"It's so nice of you to greet us here, Austin. Such a polite young man." My mom said while tapping his shoulder.

Austin smiled at my mom genuinely. Why can't he be this nice to me?

"I have to go Mr. Evans. It's nice seeing you here." He said after briefly discussing with my father something about photography. "Bye Mrs. Evans." Smiling at my mom. Then tapped my brothers head. "You too buddy."

"Drive safely Austin." My father said waving him goodbye.

And we go inside our car. I saw my grandma sitting in the backseat and I smiled seeing her joining us. Then dad drive us out of school parking, going to the mall.

"That kid is really is polite. He always greet me whenever wherever." My father said while driving.

If they only knew!

"And he's very handsome young man." My mother said. "He maybe is popular with girls." Winking at me.

"He is." I replied

"He's popular even to grade school girls." Bryan butting in. "And he's nice to me. We always high five whenever he saw me, even in front of everyone. It makes me popular too cause I'm friends with the most popular guy in the school." He beamed.

"Really? I thought he didn't know you." I said to Bryan.

"Why wouldn't he? We're just a building apart. And he told me that he saw me as a little brother." Bry replied.

That I didn't know. So he's just not so good to me. But he really is nice to everybody.

Mysterious type huh!

I just remain silent until we got to the mall and start shopping and eating out. It's been a year since we did this. This such a nice day, that I will always remember.


Almost every night, Austin is coming to our house. I mean outside, not even going down his car. He's not talking much but just to make out with me. Sometimes we'll talk about our childhood. Sometimes he helps me with my assignments. Then he'll just kiss me one more before he leaves. This is our routine for a week now. And I am liking it.

Not a part of the plan, but I think he's doing this because we have a deal not to hook up with anybody for two weeks. It's okay with me but it's not for him. He's a man with needs. And this is the least I can do for him.

One night, he drive me to the dimmed part of the park inside our village.

"Why did you bring me here? I can't be gone for too long." I said when he stopped his car.

"This will not take too long." He said while his face is coming near me. Then he looks at my lips and I close my eyes as I felt his lips touch mine. And it deepens until it becomes wilder.

His hand went to my waist lifting me up to sit on his lap facing him. Straddling him, as I felt his huge bulge poking the middle of my thighs. Then I felt his hand inside my night dress stroking my legs gently. While kissing my jaw and neck wetly.

I can't help but to moan. Then I felt his hand to my clothed dress massaging my breast gently. While I put my arms to his shoulder for support. I felt his other hand pushing aside my panty to touch my wetness. Stroking my clit until my moans get a little bit louder.

And I gasped even louder when he inserted his finger inside my core. A little discomfort but it quickly fade away as he pinch my nipple that sends me more pleasure.

"What are you doing to me Austin." I asked while feeling his finger pumping in and out, hitting something delicious inside of me.

"I'm just making you feel what I told you that I can give you, more than anyone can." He said then he kissed me again.

His finger strokes are getting faster and harder as I felt something bursting inside of me.

"Oooohhhhhh my!" I screamed when I felt my orgasm washed over me sending to my climax.

"This is the reason why I have to drive you here." He said as he give me tiny kisses "You're a screamer baby."


Sneaky huh! 🤫


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