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It's already 10pm and I can't sleep. There are so many things running on my mind. Especially him and this fast few days. Suddenly my phone vibrated. I took it and opened the message immediately.

I'm here, outside.

Why is he always ordering me around? But still I got up, go downstairs and sneak to go outside.

I saw his car waiting infront of our house. Then I knock on his car window. But he just opened the door and gestured me to get inside.

I got inside and he pulled my wrist to give my lips a quick kiss. But I didn't push him away. He tasted like mint and.. alcohol.

"Are you drunk?" I asked. After letting me go.

"No! I just had a little drink before I came here." He said and then he just look in front of his car, outside we're you can see dark road lighted by the post.

"Please I don't want another fight with you." I start before it gets awkward

"So do I. I just want us to talk." He said calmly, and continues after the long silence. "What if you got pregnant?! We didn't use any protection."

"You didn't?! Why didn't you used protection?" I exclaimed. "What will going to happened to us if I get pregnant." I'm in panic and I think I'm going to cry!

Why I didn't notice it, is never a question. I am a bit drunk I didn't know that he didn't use condom. And I am not even using any contraceptive, why should I anyway?

And it shocked me. What if I got pregnant? I am too young. Younger than my mother was when she have me. What will I am going to do?! All the possibilities is making me want to cry.

"I maybe a little drunk to remember to use one. When will be your next period supposedly?!" He asked not even worried.

"In two weeks, I think." I replied still in shocked.

And he said something that really shocked me more. "Don't worry, I'll do my responsibility if you are."

I wouldn't be too shocked if he told me to get rid of it if ever. And because I'm too startled, I just nod at him not saying anything.

"So what are we going to do in this two weeks?!" I asked

"We'll wait." He said.

"And if I am! What are we going to do?"

"We will tell my parents first and then to yours. Then we'll get married when you turn eighteen." Sounds like a plan.

"Ok. But what if our parents got mad and tell us that they have nothing to do to us anymore. And what if they disown us."

"They'll never do that to me. I am they're only child." He boasted.

"Well how about me? I don't want my parents to disown me. I still want to be with my grandma 'till the end and I still want to see Bryan grow." I said and I am about to cry again.

"I'm still here and I'll take care of you, if ever." He looked me in the eye as he said those word. And I thought I am going to melt. Then he looks away and continues talking.

"Now let's not drop into those conclusions for now. We'll just cross the bridge when we get there. Let's talk about what are we going to do while we're waiting."

"I really don't know what to do to this kind of situation." I said because everything confuses me.

"Then let me decide. Uhm, we'll be, uhmm, a thing for now. L-like, going to know each other stage. Ahm. We'll going to d-date like normal people do." He said buckling, like he can say the words properly. "At least we have two weeks heads up if we want to get married or not!"

"What? Did I hear it right? We'll start dating?" I asked. He's words are confusing me like he is to his.

"Yes! We'll eventually get there if ever." He answered. "And please don't act like you didn't like what we did!" He continued.

I didn't say anything. I just look straight away.

"Don't be mad of what I am going to say. I can give you things others cannot give you, am sure of that." He stated.

"I am not asking you of anything Austin." This is too confusing.

"I am not pertaining to material things." He answered.

"Then what?"

"The pleasure baby. At least don't lie to yourself, you liked what we did, don't you?" He stated as if persuading me to buy something.

I don't want to lie so I just nod shyly. "Just two weeks?" I asks

"Yes, just until you get your period!" He calmly said.

Well this is a good chance for me to be near him. I must agreed. I should do everything in that time period to make him fall for me. So when my period arrive, maybe we'll be something for real.

But what if I got bullied when news spread that we're dating? What if after two weeks he still didn't fall for me? Then when he leaves me hanging, I'll be the laughingstock of the school. And I will be bullied even more.

"Can we make this a secret?" I concluded, so we'll just announced the relationship when he already likes me.

"Why?" He asked

"I don't want to be a laughingstock in the school, after two weeks that this is over. They'll think you dumped me and I am just going to fall off to the list of the girls you conquered. Not that I cared, is just that uhhhmmm." I don't know what to say next after I explained.

"What?!" He asks! "I thought you don't care what other people say!"

"Maybe I actually did!" I replied with my heads down. "Didn't you heard rumours about us? That I'm your last conquest before you graduate!"

"I've heard it all but I didn't know that it bothers you. It wasn't true anyway!" He said.

"I wasn't bothered by the rumours! It's just that-!"

"Okay. Deal"



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