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G W E N ' S P O V :

"When will this going to stop?" Emily asked! She's helping me remove a gum at the tip of my hair using oil.

"I don't know, but please don't tell this to Austin" I pleaded as I continue "I thought everything will be perfect after the love confessions. I almost forgot that the people in universe is not just me and Austin. I don't want him to get worried and be in trouble again."

"Argh! Ok fine!" She said even though she's against it.

"Are we done?" I ask pertaining to my gummed hair.

"Yeah! But I'm sorry, I already cut some of your hair. I can't remove it all with just oil."

"It's ok Ems. Thank you for being there for me." I said smiling at her.

"And always will be." She said holding my hand.


"You're not gonna hang out today with me and Bry?" I asked Austin while driving me home.

"No I can't. I am sorry I have something to do today. Lots of!" He said

I nodded. I understand that he's a busy person. But hanging out with him for an hour or two after school makes my day, everyday. Eating junk foods, watching movies and playing board games. And sometimes doing nothing and just talking about our day.

"Babe, I want you to tell me everything that is happening in school, okay. Don't let me discover it on my own. Now tell me, what happened today?" He asked as we arrived my driveway. And I can't lie to him.

"Someone put a gum in my hair. Did Emily told you?" I said then I look at him. His eyes is blazing with anger.

"No! I am so damn familiar with everything about you. Even if I don't want to, I notice every changes that's happening to you, every changes in your body. Look at your hair. It's ruined." He said in one breath. "Who did that to you?"

"I honestly don't know exactly who. The one in my back that time wouldn't do that to me. You know arnold, the lanky nerdy boy? He seems afraid to tell me who did this to me. And I can't force him to tell me cause he'll get bully too. There's no one who can defend him."

He just look at me with love and heart ache. He feels broken for me.

"I'll go to salon tomorrow to fix it. Does it bother you?" Do I really have to ask that?

"Does it fuckin' bother me? How can I not be?" He exclaimed. But then I look at him and hold his hand tightly. Then I kiss him on the cheek and I felt that his nerve relaxed. "I'll go with you tomorrow. I am just too busy today." He continued.

"Ok." I smiled at him. "I love you Austin. Those things that I am going through does not change the fact that I am with you and I am the happiest that you're already mine. They'll got used to it someday."

"I love you more and I don't care if they'll not going to get used to us being together but I don't want you to get used to them doing that to you." He then leaned and kiss me on my forehead. Then kiss me on my lips.


I woke up feeling awful. I immediately went to shower and cleaned my hair thoroughly. And blow dry it after.

I actually lied to Emily and Austin. I feel bad on what happened to my hair. Who wouldn't love their long hair. Its girls crowning glory. I put it in a messy bun so that the unevenly cut hair wouldn't be shown. Wear a black t-shirt and a worn out ripped jeans and a black two inch heals.

I eat my breakfast as fast as I could then go out as I hear the honk of a car outside our house.

"Hey! What are you doing here!" I got startled that it is David. I am actually expecting Austin to pick me up, of course.

"Good morning to you too honey!" He smile sarcastically. "Actually, your boyfriend asked me to petch you."


"I don't know! He just ask me if I could drive you to school today."

"Aw okay!" I said and ride on his car.

"When will you going to have a car Gwen?" He asked while driving our way to school.

"I don't really know! And I honestly don't want to." I replied.

"You're the only person I know that doesn't want to have her own car. It's for your own convenient, you know. Especially that we're turning senior!" He said in amusement.

I just chuckled. I don't know how to explain things cause I myself don't really know why, but I am really am okay with not having my own car. But I know I should, years from now.

"How are you by the way?" He ask again. "Those bullies are a pain in the ass. And I regretted the day I hooked up with Audrey." He complained.

"I'm fine as long as you and Emily is with me." I said smiling at him.

"We will always be. No doubt about that." He said then he side hugged me as he park his car near the school entrance.



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