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Gwen's Pov:

Rumours of Austin's new conquest died as fast as it was spread. We haven't seen Betty or any other girls around him for days.

Well I don't know when it's football practice because am practicing with the basketball team and reserve cheerers.

I don't know why Austin's new conquest seems new or why does I felt like that. Because as far as I can remember. Austin always has someone new. He isn't also a whore fucker but also not a saint. But girls kiss the road he walk on. So I might say that those girls are the one who's offering them selves to him. But rumours say that he doesn't fuck every bitch that comes in his way. They said he's very picky. But still, rumour says that he had bedded almost every teenage models featured in their published magazine and fucked most of the prettiest girls in school except me.

Hear say. Rumours. Don't which is legit and which is not.

What can I say, I really do like him, but am not a stalker so I don't know exactly who he had fucked or who hadn't.

Two weeks has pass after our make-out in his friends party and just like before, he treated me like a statue. I'll be honest, it disappoint me, but thats what I get for playing hard-to-get and lets-pretend-nothing-really-happened.

"Hey pretty, wanna go to the party?" Gab says. Haven't notice that he's near me. "Saturday night?"

"Tomorrow? After the game?" After the cafeteria incident. Gab and I became close. Am not snob. Am just not so friendly either. I knew almost everyone in school but I only have few friends and I don't think that it matters because as long as I can remember. My only goal is to get Austin to notice me and to finish my studies so I can marry him someday. It seems like a dream rather than a goal.

"Oh yes. Will you come? Dave will come too, I think. Didn't he told you about the party?" he continues.

"I think he has told me once but I forgot it. am sorry. Any reason for throwing another party?!" me asking him while opening my locker to get my books.

"You know graduation is getting closer each day. Me and Austin only has few months to enjoy highschool life. So we're making every last moment memorable." He said giving me his best smile.

"Sentimental, aren't we?" I said mocking him.

"Hahaha. And anyways it's just an after the game party. It's our second to the last game. We're positive we'll gonna win this one. Too bad you chose the wrong team to cheer." He said in his disappointed voice.

"Don't feel bad about it. I'll cheer for you guys in the bleachers if I can make it half the game." I don't know if am smiling or not. I just remember that I only have few months to go near Austin. And I regretted not grabbing the chance. But now I will. "But anyways, I'll come."

"Very well! Austin's place. Bring some friends. See yah then" then he wink and I just smile. Closing my locker after getting my books and stuff.

Walking to my next class is a bit exhausting. Am not a geeky or the totally smart kind of student. Am an average student and I have to maintain my grade to stay in cheerios.

Did I mention that my first intention to join the squad is because I want to cheer for Austin? Well! Yeah! Until I came to love doing it.

But my only goal today and for the next few days is not just to be notice by him but to ignite the fire he once started.


Walking passed everyone to get to my next class with my head down, is such a hard one. Then I bump into a wall. But what shocked me is that, the wall has a feet so I look up. And I saw the guy who's been lingering in my mind for I don't know how long.

"Oh sorry." I apologized.

"You should really be sorry." The wall arrogantly said. Why did he have to speak?

"Excuse me?" And why do I have to talk back. I should just walk away.

"You should be sorry for choosing Ronald over me." The wall again said. What is he talking about?

"What are you talking about? I didn't choose anybody." I replied. And do I have to explain?

"Whatever!" then he walks away, disappearing to the busy corridor.

Then I go to my next class. I remembered that it's the only class I have with him.


I saw him sitting in the back row. And because I feel a little brave today. I sat next to him. And I can see that it shocked him.

"What are you talking about earlier at the corridor?" I asked in my bravest attitude.

"Shut up!" He whispered in a hardened tone.

But I am persistent. "Are you mad that I chose the basketball team to cheer on?"

"No" he denied.

"So you're jealous that I chose Ronald over you?" Am a bit whispering because the prof is already in. And I don't want to cause any trouble.

"Why should I? He's nothing compared to me." He can't ignore me anymore. "Do you like him?!" And he's looking at me waiting for my answer.

"Well! Ronny is kinda cute and attractive but -"

"Ronny? Cute? Attractive?" Then he stand up and walk away. Leaving me stunned to the core.

"Anderson!" Mr. Denver calling Austin who walks away from class without any permission. Then he looks at me and asks. "What happened Ms. Evans?!"

"I don't know sir" I replied confused and pretended that I didn't know what happened.



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