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Gwen's Pov:

Days after that, everything is back to normal. The only change that happened is that he now looks at me differently- with lust I think, and sometimes he give me tiny smiles and I am so contented with that. Maybe it will only last for two weeks but who cares. I'll make most out of it.

We didn't talk about this but I think our deal includes that I could text him whenever I want to.

I am laying down my bed after eating dinner and half bath. And readying to go to sleep, when I took my phone and start typing text for him.

Watcha doin?

Unexpectedly, he replied in just a minute after sending him the text.

Nothing! Why?

So I think of a question that will not sound so desperate for his attention.

So we have 2weeks, ryt? Can I ask u questions? To get to know u. If ever, uhm u know! U can ask me too, if u want.

But still, I sound so damn desperate. But it seems he didn't notice that.


R u in a relationship ryt now?


Damn. So I'm the other woman!

Do I know her? What's her name?

Alainna Gwen Evans

We're not in a relationship yet, aren't we?

We already are! What do u think of our deal? A hook up?

But aren't yet officially!

We will be one of this days. Am a healthy man.

Yeah ryt! So how many girlfriend u have had?

I haven't had any.

U're kidding right?

No I'm not!

So it's just all fuck and game? No commitment?

U make me sound like a bad person.

Am just asking.
Have u ever had experienced dis kind of set up b4?

haven't. I've never forget using protection.

den why did u forgot using it of all chances?

I've waited for another five minutes but he didn't reply after that question. So I just composed another one.

Hey! Are u asleep?

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