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G W E N ' S P O V :

This is the day of the higschool's football last game for this school year. Everyone's can't wait for it. Even my friends do. David is going to pick me up this afternoon so he could have a better view of the game, cause he know I have an access being a cheerer.

David came earlier than expected. With Emily ofcourse. Good thing I already did shower and dressed in my cheer uniform. I just put jacket on it and get my dapple bag.

"Gwen, is it okay if we going somewhere first?" David asked.

"Yeah! It's okay! It's too early anyway!" I answered smiling to the both of them.

I close my eyes to relax myself, cause later I know that my whole body will stretch from the dance routine.

"Gwen, we're here!" Emily said shaking me a little. I didn't know that I fall asleep for a minute.I then open my eyes, and was shocked to where we are.

"Why're we here?" I asked. We're in Anderson's mansion. I go down and I saw Gabby waiting for us in the entrance of the house. "What are we going to do here?"

"You have to see something." Gabby answered and we go inside.

"Is Austin here?"

"No. He isn't. He's in the school right now. Checking if everything is alright with our couch."

"Then why're you here?" I asked in confusion.

"Because they don't need me there and you'll be needing me here." He wink at me. This is strange.

The helper doesn't mind us being here without Austin cause they know Gabby and I. The three of us just followed him in Austin room. Then he stop infront of the door that got me curious last time.

"I hope what you saw here will open your eyes to the true feeling of Austin." He smiled again. "If we wait for him to tell you. We'll have to wait forever for it."

I still am confuse but I nodded at him. Then he opened the door and we followed as he went inside the what I thought is a art room. Then Gabby starts removing all the white clothings.

And everything I saw is so damn shocking. I am speechless because everything in here is breathtaking.

"Everything in here is made up by Austin." Gabby beaming.

"This is beautiful" David and Emily exclaimed at the same time.

And me! I don't know what to say and I am about to cry. Everything is made from love. Everything here is images of me in different angle. Everything is made up beautifully and wonderfully.

There's a picture of me when I am still young. Those days when Austin and I is always together because of the modelling.

And a lot more photos and paintings of me as I grow up. There are collection of me in their company's year-end parties. Mostly of them is stolen shots.

I can see hundreds of frames in different sizes.And one of the biggest size is me sleeping. That was the first time we made love. I thought I walked up first that time. I came near it and there's a small caption in it that says "The Most Beautiful Creation of God".

I felt hot liquid coming out of my eyes down to my cheek. I can't say anything. But my tears can tell it all.

There's also a big frame, but in this picture was not only me. It's the both of us. The day in the cafe. Where we took our picture awkwardly together. And there is also a caption "US".

And lots of my pictures from the Prom night that has caption, "My Girl". One is an unfinished painting of both of us in the stairwell.

He would not made this these beautiful if he doesn't feel anything for me. I sit down and cry. Happiness field me.

"Why're you crying there like he passed away?" David asked. "He's there at the school. And if he's dork enough not to tell you that he loves you. You should be the one to have the courage to make things happened for the both of you."

"David!" I said with the tears all over my face. Emily didn't say anything.

"Sorry Gwen if my bestfriend confuses you. But believe me, he's confused too." Gabby said tapping my shoulder. "I hope you understand that Austin grow up pampered and love. Not to mention the attention of half the population of girls to wherever he go. So he has the hardest way of wooing a girl."

I nodded. "So what should I do now?" I asked the three of them.

"Cut-off your endless pride and go to him and tell him how much you love him." Emily said.

I nodded and hugged her.

"Gab, how'd you know that also have feelings for Austin?" I asked

"Well! In some point, I'm smarter than Austin. I sense it. So I talked with David and Emily about it cause I saw how Austin is hurting. And this is the only solution I can think of."

"Thank you Gab!" I then smiled at him tearfully and hugged him.

"Glad to help the two most gorgeous but numb friend that I have." He said hugging me back.

"Not only numb but dumb and idiot." David laughed! And we all laughed to it.


xoxo 💋😭😊

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