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Gwen's Pov:

"First day of what?" He asks confusedly.

"I've got my period this morning and it's my first day." I replied. He just look at me and I can't even read his expression. "I'm not pregnant. I guessed you're not really that healthy."

I chuckled as if I'm just joking. But he didn't even smile. He's poker face is back. Like his cold attitude and he's hot image.

"So you're avoiding me instead of telling straight to my face that our deal is over?" he asks.

"No, it's just that.... I don't know."

"Okay! So what if you already got your period?" Then he stands up and look at me intently.

"It means you're free again.............from me."

"What if I don't want to be free from you?" He asked.

Is he asking this to confused me? Cause right now I don't know what to reply. Cause if I'm gonna tell the truth. I don't want to let him go, even if the only thing that he feels for me is lust and nothing else.

"Or you're really that desperate to be freed from me?" He continued.

"I'm uhm!"

What's wrong with me. I should tell him the truth. Of course, I want to continue what we've started.

"Okay! I'll ask you question and you'll just answer me by yes or no..... in all honesty." He declares and walk to my vanity table and get the chair under it and sit there facing me. As he continue. "Do you feel comfortable being with me?"

"A little.... uhm Yes, sometimes!"

He held my hand. Intertwining his fingers with mine. That's making my heart summersault and giving me butterflies.

"Do you like this!" He asks

I look at our intertwined hands and answer. "Yes"

"Do you like talking with me."


"Do you like texting with me."


"All that can be considered that we can be friends. Do you want us to be friends?"

"Of course. Do you?" I asked

"I'm the one who's asking questions here." He reprimanded me. Not even answering mine. "I don't want us to be friends -"

"Why?" I feel hurt

"Don't interrupt me when I'm saying something important, okay!" He said reprimanding me.

"Okay" I replied pouting my lips.

"I have so many friends already." He said that hurts my feelings a little. Can't he add me to those? "And I don't kiss my friends because that's a foul. Do you also like kissing me?"

Then he lean forward and peck me on lips for a second.

"Well! Uuhhhhhmm, yes." Let me be honest for once. "every time!"

"Very well!" he smiled and continues "If we'll go back to what we are before then I cannot go here every day just to kiss you goodnight. I honestly too tired hooking up with different girls. I want to try having a real girlfriend. Do you want to?"

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asks. Sorry, am really am an idiot sometimes.

"Do you want to continue what we have?" He asked again


"And more?" Does he mean sex cause we haven't had sex after our first.

"Yes!" I replied in all honesty.

"So do you want to try US?" He asks looking at me intently waiting for my answer. And I just nodded quickly.

"Answer it properly!"

"YES!" I answered in a louder voice, before we both change our mind.

"Good." he smiled again and I smiled back at me "Now! Lay down and go to sleep."

I lay down properly and put my body inside my blanket. Then I felt him removing his jacket and shoes and lay down beside me.

"What are you doing? You know I have had my period. It's kinda gross.. you know."

He chuckled. "Shut up! I'll go home when you fall asleep." He then lift my head to put it in his shoulder, cuddling me to sleep.

He didn't even asked me if I like him. He didn't tell me that he likes me too. He just said we'll try. What if he got bored of me. Then he'll probably leave me. But I think this is better than not even trying. Maybe he'll learn to love me after this.

But before I drip to sleep, I ask him another question out curiosity.

"Will you be okay if I get pregnant? Just what if!" I asks while hugging him and my face on his neck.

"Honestly, I don't know. We're too young and too early to face that kind of problem. It will affect our future the most! But I wouldn't say it wouldn't be okay with me. It's just that, it wasn't the right time to be okay with it." He replied.

I didn't asks anymore. Maybe his explanation is kinda enough for me. Then I close my eyes. Smelling all his fragrant. Then drifting myself to the most wonderful dream that anyone can ever have.


"Oh my goodness Gwen!" I woke up from my mother's scream.

Why is she shouting at me? Oh she's here. Maybe she didn't go to work early today. I sit up and look at my mom who looks too shocked to talk again.

"What's wrong mom?" I asks groggily, then I looked one eyed open at my wall clock and it's five in the morning. "It's too early."

She wasn't looking at me anymore, she's looking at the thing beside me. Then I look to my left and saw Austin trying to get up not even knowing what is happening.

So he didn't go home last night. I was totally shocked that I can't talk anymore. I can't even move.

"What's happening here?" My dad asks.

OMG! My father is also here. We didn't even notice that my dad also come up here, he maybe heard mom's scream. That's why he run upstairs.

"Austin, why are you still here." I whispered while pinching his arms.

That's the moment when Austin is officially conscious of what is happening.

"Let me explain" he then stand up and put his shoes on.

"Mom, dad, we didn't do anything." I exclaimed.


Caught you.🤭


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