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G W E N ' S P O V :

Dinner is nice. It just so happened that I know his parents since I was a kid that is why I don't feel so awkward being with them.

"This is a double celebration huh?" Mrs. A asked. Austin and I just smile.

In all honesty, the awkwardness is in Austin and me. We're not used to being together. I mean, yeah, we're always together in one place, but the situation is different. Before, it's either we are dared to kiss each other or we don't talk. But now, we're together. As in us being together. Us. It feels different. Differently good.

"Anyways congratulations for winning the game, son!" Mr. A said.

"Thanks dad." Austin smiled again. He really looks happy. I hope I'll always be part of the reason he smiles.

"So where are the two of you going after this?" His father asked again.

"Uhm, we're going to celebrate. Gabby's house." Austin answered.

"Oh! That boy!" Mrs. A said. Face palming. "By the way Gwen, how's school?"

"School's great Mrs. A." I smiled at her.

"Very well! So where are you going to study college dear?" She asked again.

"We haven't talked about it yet. I still have a year." Then I got curious. "Where are you going to college Austin?"

I remember that I've heard somewhere that he's going abroad after highschool for college. What will happened to us? A long distance relationship?

"Let's not talk about it yet. I still have few months, right?" He look at me, expressionless.

I nodded but thoughts are already flying to what will happened to us. Am I supposed to get worry?


Gab's party is fun, as always. We came in the middle of the party were almost every body is drunk and wasted. Some are dancing, some are playing beer pong, cards and truth or dare, and most of them are drinking and flirting.

And when we came, everyone clap their hands, whistled and cheered as Austin entered the door. Austin looks really happy as he give high five to his team mates and congratulating them for winning the last game of the seniors.

They didn't even got startled that me and Austin is together now. Maybe they thought that am really am Austin's last high school conquest. But I don't care to whatever they think of me. As long as I know that Austin loves me. He actually haven't told me that he loves me. And I haven't told him yet what I have discovered. I'll saved it for now. I want it to be the best.

"Hey, love birds." Gab shouted from a small distance.

"Hi." I replied smiling at him.

"So ready for the best and last party of this school year." He asked.

"Shut up Gab! I know this wouldn't be the last." Austin said smirking at him.

"Yeah! We know you." I agreed to what Austin said. We know that next week or the next next week there'll be another party that Gab can't help but to host.

"What ever! Just enjoy the party and hope you both get drunk." We just laughed at it. As Gab give each of us a red cup containing they're mixed drink.

"Don't drink too much, you still have to drive me home." I said to Austin.

"Don't worry, babe. I'll take care of you." I smiled at him. Cause I know he will.

Then he lean forward, giving me a brief kiss on the lips.

"Just tell me to leave if you'll going to flirt with each other all night." We forgot that Gab's still beside us. "This is so gross!"

We both look at him. And we laugh as we saw Gabby putting out his tongue as if he taste something bitter or sour.

"Wait here. I'll call my grandma that I'll be home late." I said as I remember that the last tine I went out and go home late, my lola is waiting for me almost all night.

I didn't wait for their respond. I immediately go out of the house. To the most quite place in the house, hope there is. And start dialling our home phone. I just told her that I am with Austin and felt relieved. And told me to take care of myself and said goodbye.

"So! You're not that innocent at all." I heard a sultry voice behind me.

I know to whom it belongs and to whom it is pertaining to, so I look at my back and saw a smirking Betty.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I almost believed that you're not interested with Austin. Well I thought wrong." She replied. It seems like she's doing her best to contain her raged towards me.

"I don't have anything to explain to you. You don't own him." I said in the calmest voice I could.

"Oh really! So Audrey and Daisy is right all along. That you're a snake. A bitch inside that innocent facade."

"How can I be a snake if it's really me that he wanted all along?" I want to clap at myself for being this confident right now.

"So you think Austin is really in love with you? Wake up, bitch. Your just another play thing."


It is nice to know that there's still few people reading this. And I thank you for that. Hope you'll read this 'till the end. I just want to say sorry for not updating this story for months. It's just so happened that I am so busy with school thing. And I've got a righter blocked.

Before I end this authors note, be with me, as I pray for the whole world for protection and healing. May the Lord above take as away from covid19, and all the viruses that we may encounter. As Philippine is under quarantine and lock down. Let us also pray that everyone will have food to eat as this calamity passes by.

Thank you.

Xoxo 😘

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