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G W E N ' S P O V :

"How's prom darling?" My mom asked. It's a sunday noon. And I walked up late, if I really did slept, so my first meal of the day is lunch. And I don't know what is happening to me but I am eating more than I should be. Stress eating I guessed.

"It was fun." I said smiling at her. I actually put on concealer just below my eyes so they wont notice that I've cried my eyes out last night. I just look like a teenager who suffered from all nighters of studying.

"That's good. Any story you can tell?" My mom asks excitedly.

"Well! I won the prom queen. Isn't it nice?" I replied, really good in pretending, right?

"Wow! That's super nice. And you deserve this. Guess the dress that Mrs A give is a lucky charm."

"What? The dress is from Austin's mom?" It shocked me.

"Yes darling! Why do you think I could afford that dress? It's a designer clothes." She giggles.

"Why did you accept it?"

"Because I know it will look nice on you. And they insisted. It was used in one of the photoshoots. They said no one is going to used it. And they said to consider it as gift from them to you. So I accept it." She explained cheerfully.

"Okay!" What can I do, it's all done. "Are we going to return it to them?"

"Didn't you heard what mom said? It's gift! Duh!" Bryan butt in.

"Shut up, ass face!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Language, you two. And eat."


"Why did you call us here!" David asks. We're in our room. These should be a nice bonding for us with rootbeer, fries and Netflix, if not for the heart aches that I am feeling, right now!

"I'm sorry! I just don't want to be alone." I said, then Emily look at me. They know from that moment that something is wrong.

"Spill it out." She said

"You guys know me better." I sighed and continued what I have to tell. "He dumped me last night."

"I knew it." David shouted.

"Lower your voice." I said gesturing him to shut up!

"I knew that this is going to happened. But you didn't listen." he said with a lower voice but still stressing his point.

"Why? What happened?" Emily asked

I looked at the canned beer that I am holding and sigh again.

"We argued about the kissed on the dance floor and why do we have to keep it a secret. I must have said something that hurts him. And that lead him on dumping me." I told them.

"Did you refused to break up with him?" Emily asked again and David just listen while eating all fries left.

"No! I think I did initiate the break up." I replied honestly. "He just ended it."

"Oh! You hit his ego!" Emily exclaimed

"I already regretting it the moment he dumped me. But then I asked if we could be friends so it will be easy for us to get back together, but he said 'it's all or nothing at all'" quoting what he said to me last night.

"It sounds like, he doesn't like any attachment from you cause you might latch onto him if you become friends. You know what I mean? The clingy ex-girlfriend." Emily said tactlessly.

"No Ems! It sounds like a title of a song!" David chuckled then he looks at me. "I don't know who's wrong here 'cause I don't want to be bias and I don't know him. But I know you. And I think he likes you, but not the kind of like that you wanted. Maybe you did something wrong. And there's something wrong with you. And he's confusing and there's something wrong about him, more than you do." He exclaimed in one breath, then he paused for a second "What I'm trying to say is that, you're confusing each other and you have to move on cause it's over."

"Gwen, I think Dave is right. You have so much pride on your system, so why don't you hold on to it. Because if he really did like you, he'll be texting you right now." Emily added

"And you know what kind of guy he is. He's a player. Maybe he didn't played with you the way he played with those girls that he hooks up with, because maybe he respect your parents. But he still did. Move on. Maybe a month from now you'll forget about him because they'll be gone to college."

"I don't know. That's hard to do! I've loved him almost half of my life. How can I do that, that easily?" I exclaimed

"Exactly! You've wasted almost half of your life admiring that guy. And I am telling you, we're too young, what you're feeling right now wasn't love. It's just... I don't know what to call it. Maybe he becomes an obsession." Emily said.

"Okay" then he paused and continues again "let me just share to you my conclusion to this." He look at me. "You misunderstood each other. Wrong interpretation of each others words. I mean, you're both giving each other wrong signals. Because nothing is clear from the both of you. And I think you're wrong for each other. Maybe someday, but right now, it wasn't meant to be."

"He'll graduate few months from now. We don't know where the hell he's going to after highschool. He's rich, handsome, sporty and brainy. And he's older than you. The world is bigger in college. Did you get it? Charge this into experience. And remember what YOU always told us." Emily said, then she gestured her hand as quoting what I've said before. "At least you've got to experienced being with him."

I didn't even nod. I was just there, looking at both at them, analysing everything. And about to cry!



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