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G W E N ' S P O V :

"Thank you Austin!" I said as we arrived my driveway after pizza fiest.

"You don't have to thank me for driving you home!" He replied smirking at me.

"You know what I mean!" I said as I rolled my eyes! And he chuckled cause he understands clearly what I mean.

"You know that we've been through things before we became together, officially, for real!" Then he smiled bitterly. "I thought when we've became together, where every single person that knows us, knows about us. Then everything will turn out the way I want it to be. But it seems that, what you've been afraid of is the thing that I disregarded!"

"But I am the one who kiss you in the field so it's not your fault! And you really don't have to do this."

"The way you kissed me in the field is one of the most memorable moment of my life. Even if I will be given a chance, I wouldn't change it in any other way." Then he looks at me intently with love "And when they're hurting you emotionally and physically, because of us, it hurts me more."

The way he speaks makes my heart hurts so good! I feel his love for me so damn much. And I don't know what to say. So I just hold his hand and kissed the back of his palm.

"I am actually planning to do that film, for our 100 days." It startled me! How did he know about that thingy? "Emily told me about that Korean boyfriend girlfriend thing!" He chuckled! And it made me smile that he wants to do something romantic for me, even if it's cheesy.

"I am so busy this past days. Collecting those videos from my friends and yours. Gab actually thought that he could black mail me using those videos that he has. But now he can't, cause I already broadcast it." And we both laugh.

"The film is actually beautiful." I said

"Not as beautiful as I want it to be. I have to rushed it, cause even though the bullying stopped, their trashed words didn't." He sighed.

"But I still love it! And it's wonderful."

"And so are you!" Then he kissed me softly that I
welcomed lovingly.

"I've missed you, baby!" He said as he finished our brief kissed.
I looked at him, and I see lust! And I've missed him too! "but it seems that your mother is already waiting for you!"

I look in front of our house and I see my mom in the doorway. Seems like she's been waiting for me for hours.

"Yeah! There's something wrong with her since last week." Then I sighed "Last question! Did we have sex video in your possession?"

And he laugh, genuinely! I can't help but to pout as it seems that he's making fun of me.

"Our house has cctv for security purposes, mylove! But bedrooms doesn't have, cause we value privacy!" He exclaimed while chuckling! "My brain memory have enough storage capacity to stored all our intimacies, even if it's hundred times. I will not, I mean never put something that can ruined us in a thing that can easily be stolen or misplaced. I love you more than my habit, babe!" And his explanation is more than enough for me.


The day after that unforgettable day. I texted Ronald to meet me Saturday afternoon before Gabby's party night. He didn't reply but I'll wait for him.

Ever since me and Austin been together, we never fought or even argue. So I think this will be our first if ever. I know Austin will get angry knowing that I will talk to Ronald behind his back. But I know that I have to do this. So I ask Emily and David to go with me.

"Can you enlighten me why you have to talk to him? I thought you don't care what others think of you?" David asked as we arrived to the cafe where I and Ronald agreed to meet.

"It's just that, I believe Ronald is a good guy. I'm a little anxious of what does Ronald feel about this things going on. I may have not cared to what others think of me but I care about how bad can people be hurt, especially if I am the one who cause it. Maybe, I really did something wrong. Unintentionally. I just want to make it right." I explained.

They both nod. I know they understand me and I know they will support my decisions, even if they don't understand it.

"Then why did you bring us with you and not Austin." Emily asked.

"Well! Austin is a little possessive. And Ronald wouldn't be comfortable talking with me knowing that Austin is just in the corner."

"So what's the point of bringing us with you?" Emily asked.

"I don't really know. Maybe I just need a moral support."

"More like a back up! Chaperone! -oh no! More like chauffeur!" Dave said rolling his eyes! Emily and I chuckles.

"Are we good? Can I go now!" I said afterward.

"We're going with you." Dave said.


"We'll just stay in the far corner, okay! I can't wait inside my car, looking and waiting for you, while you're eating our favourite chocolate java chips." Dave said frowning at me.

"Uhm okay!" I said laughing at his face.

We went inside as we separate our ways. I go near the glass wall and them in the far corner. I seated and waited for Ronald to come. And I looked at where Emily and David are. I am so happy and feel blessed having them in my life.

While I'm thinking of those things. I felt someone standing infront of me.



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