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G W E N ' S P O V :

I look at Emily and she's smiling too. And she looks back at me and hold my hand tighter.

Then a video of me, Gab and Emily. If am not mistaken, David is holding the recorder. We're in Austin house and we entered the room. And you can hear clearly the exact conversation we have that day. And then the recorder turn on to me without me knowing it. I looked shocked and crying as Gabby showed me the secret room of Austin. I didn't know that it was being filmed. Almost everyone gasped. As they saw a room full of photos, portraits and paintings of Austin. Everyone saw how I cried my heart out because what I saw that day!

"Why're you crying there like he passed away?" David asked. "He's there at the school. And if he's dork enough not to tell you that he loves you. You should be the one to have the courage to make things happened for the both of you."

"David!" I said with the tears all over my face.

"Sorry Gwen if my bestfriend confuses you. But believe me, he's confused too." Gabby said tapping my shoulder. "I hope you understand that Austin grow up pampered and love. Not to mention the attention of half the population of girls to wherever he go. So he has the hardest way of wooing a girl."

I nodded. "So what should I do now?" I asked the three of them.

"Cut-off your endless pride and go to him and tell him how much you love him." Emily said.

I nodded and hugged her.

"Gab, how'd you know that I also have feelings for Austin?" I asked

"Well! In some point, I'm smarter than Austin. I sense it. So I talked with David and Emily about it cause I saw how Austin is hurting. And this is the only solution I can think of."

"Thank you Gab!" I then smiled at him tearfully and hugged him.

"Glad to help the two most gorgeous but numb friend that I have." He said hugging me back.

"Not only numb but dumb and idiot." David laughed! And we all laughed to it

Then another video rolls.
As tears rolled in my cheeks again.

A video of me making my way to the crowd to get to where Austin is. And again, I didn't know I was filmed. That's where Betty comes to the picture, cause she's infront of Austin. I hold her shoulder and move her aside.

And Betty shouted at me. It so happened that the one who filmed the video is little far from us. I mumbled something and smirked at her. And looked at the confuse Austin. I stand up infront of him and put my hands at the back of his neck. Then I put my other hand to his shoulder for support. And smiled at him sweetly. Then I tiptoed and slowly touch his lips with mine.

Austin was startled and didn't even move or push me away. But when he come to his senses. He sneaked his arms around my waist, his other hand on the back of my head, then kiss me back. The way we always kissed.

Then the video ended there. And the lights were back.

I didn't know I was crying all along. I look for reactions and I see that some are shocked and in awe of how in love can Austin be. And some are bored and doesn't care.

And Austin came to the stage and look for me in the crowd. When he found me, he smirked and start saying something to the microphone.

"I am not supposed to broadcast what we have. Because relationship should be a private one. I've made these video compilation only for her eyes only. I prepared this as a gift. But you people are toxic. Judging her as if you really know her." Then he pause a little maybe for relief. And maybe got distracted with charlie's angels walking out of the theatre hall with their minions. But then he continues. "I don't give a fuck if you all were tearing me apart. But it's her. And after watching these, you should know by now. That we don't just hooked up. We're in love."

Then he goes down from the flatform and walked to me. I meet him half way and when we reached him, I kissed him softly and briefly.

"I love you, dorky!" I said and he smiled as if he's saying that he loves me more.

"Party on my place tomorrow night, suckers! Everyone is expected to come!" Gab announced. And everyone cheered for it.

Maybe all of us needed it. To relax before finals next week. Especially me for all weeks of being bullied. And I think it ends here.

We go out of the theatre hall and out of the school, hand in hand. Followed by our friends and some of their team mates. And we all went to a pizza house. Maybe all of us got hungry and with Austin and I's cheesyness. Yuck!



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