"Okay, Guo. I'm Da Quing, Yunlan's Gege. You must freshen up too. Chu, can he use your washroom to shower?" Da Quing introduces himself briefly and asks Chu for permission since there is only one washroom in each house.

"Fine. Hey, kid! Follow me!" Chu stoically said, frightening poor Guo to the bone.

"Chu Shizhi, you are scaring the kid. Can't you talk softly to the kid?" Da Quing request, but Chu just humps and starting walking out.

"Sorry, Guo. He is always grumpy like that. Please don't mind him. He is Shen Wei's uncle after all. Now, go and freshen up and we all will have dinner here, later." Da Quing reassures scared Guo who is currently clenching his big saggy shirt.

"Hey, kid! Coming or not?!" Chu yells out from the door, almost making Guo shrink.


"*Sigh...* I hope Chu doesn't scare poor kid away. Yunlan and Wei have been looking for him for a while now..." Da Quing grumbles while Yezun rubs his kitten's back to soothe his worries out.


Shortly after, Yunlan came out of the washroom to change into a new indoor robe and tied his long hair into a high ponytail.

"Gege, did Xiao Wei wake up?" is the first thing that came out from his mouth.

"No, didi. I don't think he will be waking up anytime soon. Let him rest. We have much to discuss. I send your friend over to Chu's house to freshen up first. Do you want to wait for him as well? I'm sure you got into this mess because of him, right?" Da Quing asks and Yunlan nods tiredly.

"Guys, I don't think we can start without the dead zombie with us, so we might as well wait for both of them." Yezun interrupts them while sipping tea his wife prepared for him.

"So, Yezun Ge, why are you here? Is it because you sensed power being activated or because you miss your wife?" Yunlan asks while sitting beside Yezun at the dinner table.

"Kitten... I think he must be still shocked to make peaceful conversation with me." Yezun whispers to Da Quing who is sitting opposite of them and Da Quing just nods.

"Geges, I might be tired and still trying to settle down, but my ears are working perfectly fine so don't need to whisper when I'm sitting beside both of you!" Yunlan groans.

"And apparently grumpy too! I guess dead zombie's attitude is rubbing off him" Yezun whisper dramatically to Da Quing, ignoring Yunlan beside him

"Arg! Why do I bother with you!!" Yunlan irritatingly states and hit his forehead on the dinner table with loud thud sound, making the other two jump in their chair, startled.

Yunlan is still very much worried about Shen Wei. Sure, Grandpa Li told him he would be fine, but Yunlan will not be able to be at ease until he sees with his own eyes that his Xiao Wei will be fine and healthy. Just remembering the stated Shen Wei was in, it makes his blood boil again and want to kill those thugs all over again and again, torture them endlessly... but he can't because he already killed them.

While Yunlan was dealing with his turmoil of emotions, ignoring Yezun and Da Quing chitchatting, Chu and Guo joined them.

Guo is wearing Shen Wei's robes, but it almost buries poor Guo who has a very thin and boney body. Guo shuffles his feet under everyone's complicated gazes when he joins them but too nice to say anything bad.

"That is the smallest robe I could find at our house." Chu stated matter-of-factly without an ounce of guilt.

"Er--- don't worry Guo! You just need to eat more and build up your body!" Yunlan tries to cheer up but winced the next moment when Guo turns even more red in embarrassment. Guess it was the wrong move.

It's not like Guo had many choices. He barely gets two meals a day if he is really lucky!

Da Quing seeing Guo dilemma, decides to intervene. "everyone, we have more important things to discuss, remember?"

"Can we eat first and then talk, kitten? I'm hungry" Yezun pouts his mouth while rubbing his stomach making everyone there, smile, laugh and in Chu's case, of course just roll his eyes.

"Okay, then. Please join us for dinner and we can discuss it later." Da Quing said and went into kitchen to set up dinner. Dinner is cooked, he just needs to put it on plates and serve to everyone, so it didn't take that long before everyone starts eating their dinner. And as promised, Yunlan kept filling Guo's plate with food. Guo silently eats as much as his stomach allows it.


After the meal, everyone sat around the common room to discuss what happened. However, the main person is missing.

"Where is Yunlan?" Chu asks looking around the room when he notices that Zhao Yunlan is nowhere to be found in the common room.

"Yunlan-ge is che-cking on Wei Ge- Sir!" Guo braved up but still stuttered because he feels intimated by Chu's presence.

"I will go check on him. Give me a few minutes." Da Quing volunteers and walks out to find Yunlan who is sitting beside sleeping Shen Wei. Yunlan was touching Wei's head where the bandage is wrapped around. He wants to cry, shout at Wei for not taking care of himself better. But all that get swallow down his burning throat.

"Didi... do you want to tell your Gege what is bothering you?" Da Quing softly coaxes, seeing Yunlan struggling with his emotions.

"Gege... I don't know why it's still bothering me. I want to yell at Xiao Wei for getting hurt this much even though he promised me to take care of himself better. I want to kill and kill again those thugs who dare to touch him, but I can't because they are gone! I am upset for getting Wei involved with my search leading him into danger. I'm mad at my own delay reaction when the thug approached my back causing Xiao Wei to take my hit!!! *Sobbing ...sobbing...* Da ge.. it hurts... hurts seeing him like this... I want to be the one who is lying unconscious on this bed right now than him. Why Gege... why it's so painful...?" Yunlan finally broke down crying his heart out under his gege warm embrace, pouring out all his emotions and pains.

Da Quing just led Yunlan vent his angers and pour out his stressful emotions while patiently rubbing Yunlan's head who is hugging waist burying his head on Da Quing's abdomen, soothing his didi's worries and pain always as much as he can. After a long while, Yunlan stops crying, feeling better now that he led everything out from his system.

"Feeling better now?" Da Quing asks when Yunlan untangles his tight grabs on him and Yunlan nod and wipe away his tears.

"Okay. Now, let go and talk with others. They have been patiently waiting for you. And I think your friend must be getting uncomfortable without either of you beside him." Da Quing said while looking at Shen Wei and him.

"Okay, gege. Thank you for listening to my ranting..." Yunlan said while rubbing his neck, feeling embarrassed to act like a little kid, making Da Quing chuckle.

"Don't worry. Even adult cries sometime. Besides, if I don't listen to my little didi, whose ranting am I going to listen to?" Da Quing ask while ruffling Yunlan hair.

"Ahm... After you brothers are done talking, do join us. The Zombie is getting irritated making poor kid want to flee away pretty soon." Yezun said with a fond smile on his face while leaning on the door with his arms crossed together.

"Crap, Guo!" Yunlan bolts out from his bed and rushes out to the common room where poor Guo is sweating cold sweats with grumpy Chu near him. Guo couldn't be happier seeing Yunlan and Yunlan silently apologizes to Guo for leaving him alone with strangers. 


A/N: Hey~~~~~ *Sigh*.. I know I promised cuddling and sweet moments between our babies.... But I kind of got out of hand with writing details that I end up typing a lot more details while Wei is still unconscious...😅😅 Don't worry, next chapter will have all the cuddling but not much since this chapter's contents got carried  out to next chapter and getting lengthy.... 💦💦ಥ_ಥ Please don't kill me yet....The third chapter will be sweet and cuddling only, I promise!!!! 🙏🙏

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