Chapter 54; Pizza

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James opened the door with a grin. We followed him through to the lounge where they’d got their duvets and pillows all on the floor, the pizza boxes in a pile on the coffee table.

“I’ll just go and grab some drinks.” Brad said.

I looked at Sophie and Lily who were sat with Tristan and James. I smiled slightly to see how happy they were before getting up and following Brad into the kitchen.

“Want some help?” I asked.

“Ermm… sure. I’d like three glass from the cupboard over there and a kiss.” He said with a wink. “Or even better just the kiss.”

I laughed and got the glasses handing them to him, letting him put them down before giving him a peck on the lips.

“So what’s with all the mystery following me out here?” He asked, resting his hands on my hips.

“Just wanted to talk to you.” I smiled.

“You okay?” He asked, panic evident in his voice.

“Yes, it’s not about me.” I said.

I felt him relax slightly.

“What’s happened?” He asked.

I waited, thinking of the best way to say what I wanted to say.

“It’s about Kate.” I said, biting on my lip nervously.

“Oh. What about her? Has she said something to you? What has she done? I swear if she has hurt you I will-“

I cut him off.

“She hasn’t said anything, or done anything to me Brad, we were sort of friends back at school… But she used to be pretty nasty-“

“Yeah I know.” Brad muttered interrupting me.

“She was pretty horrible to Sophie, and when I say nasty and horrible I don’t mean she called her a bitch once… I mean she full on beat her up. She physically and mentally destroyed Sophie, she caused her so much pain that when Lily moved to Brazil, Sophie begged her parents to let her go too, in the end they settled for her moving school, they couldn’t move house anywhere away from here due to her nan being so ill, so Sophie moved school and that was it. I was alone again, but I still saw Sophie a lot. Then when Sophie rang me the day I met you she said Lily was back and I guess I was scared they were going to hate me…” I faded away, realising how stupid I sounded.

“I don’t hate you.” He said with a smile. “But… Kate. That’s not right what she did… How does Sophie feel? She okay? Does James know? What about Lily? Does anyone else know?” He asked.

“Too many questions Brad. Which would you like the answer too first?” I laughed.

“The..” He counted on his fingers. “The third. Does James know?” He asked.

“No.” I said quickly. “And you can’t tell him.” I said.

“He can’t not know!” Brad said his voice raised a little bit.

“Shh, I know, I know, I’m trying to get her to tell him.” I said.

“Does she know you’ve spoken to me?”

I nodded.

Brad nodded also, he removed his hands from my waist and walked to the fridge grabbing two bottles of drink.

“We’ve been ages. We should probably go back.” He said.

I grabbed the glasses we’d left on the side and followed him through, back to the lounge.

The others had already started eating and were just deciding on a film. I put the glasses on the table and sat on the end of the sofa next to Brad, who had sat next to James.

“Nice make out session?” Tristan asked.

“We were just talking.” Brad said.

“Just talking.” Tristan winked.

We all laughed as Connor inserted Monsters Inc. into the DVD player.

 The night became a Disney evening. We were half way through our second one when I realised everyone but me and Brad had fallen asleep. I moved my head gently from his chest and looked up at him.

 “You okay?” I whispered.

“I’m just thinking.” He said.


He gestured his head to Kate. I looked back to him.

“Telling her I know about what she did.” He said.

“No. That’s not fair on Lily or Sophie, and if she is still like that think what she’ll do to them assuming they’ve told you.” I whispered.

Tristan began to stir and our conversation ended abruptly.

“You okay?” I asked Tristan.

He nodded and then jumped up and ran off towards the bathroom. Lily began to stir, her warmth and pillow now gone.

“I’ll go.” I said pecking Brad on the cheek and running off to follow Tristan.

 As I got nearer the bathroom the sounds of Tristan’s vomiting hit me. My head told me to turn around, but he should have someone. Everyone should have someone even when they’re sick. I knocked on the door and opened it slightly. I knelt down beside him, pushing back the front of his hair and gently rubbing his back. Reassuring him with ‘it’s okay’ or ‘don’t worry’. After about 10 minutes he managed to stop.

“That’s rough.” I laughed, handing him a towel Lily had handed me before running off, not wanting to be sick herself.

Tristan wiped his face with the towel, and slouched against the wall.

“Seriously are you okay? Like what even was that?” I laughed, sloughing next to him.

“I don’t know…” He said, putting his head back against the wall.

“Do you want me to get you some water?”

He nodded and I got up and headed to the kitchen where Brad and Lily were sat.

“You’re hanging around like someone has died. He is just a little sick.” I said, reaching for a glass and filling it with water.

“So he’s stopped?” Lily asked.

I nodded and handed her the water to take to Tristan. I looked at Brad.



“Look Brad, you’ve had a long day and she’s asleep now, you can’t do much, let me talk to Sophie tomorrow, tell her to talk to James about it.” I said running my hand through his hair.

He nodded.

“If she hasn’t told him by the end of the week I will.” He said.

I sighed, deciding not to tackle that now.

“Let’s just go to bed? You must be shattered.” I said taking his hand.

 He got up and took the lead, leading my upstairs to his room, leaving Lily to sort out Tristan and the rest asleep. 


Hey :)

long time no see :o 

anyway sorry for the shit update and again I'm updating in college so please pray i don't get in trouble :'(((

i hope you find this a little entertaining...

please comment and vote and check out my other two stories :)

Em x

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