Chapter 3; Getting To Know You

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Connor and Brad sat down, I averted my eyes to the ground feeling very awkward.

"I'm Connor and this is Brad by the way"


I decided not to let on that I'm a fan. I didn't want to make them or myself even more awkward.

"So do you live in Birmingham?"

"No I moved here 6 years ago with my mum from London and before that Scotland"

Connor laughed. I tried not to let on how much I knew and why he'd be laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh Con has this thing with Scotland and Scottish people"

I laughed gently as Brad looks at me. I take a sip of my hot chocolate. We shared more moments of awkwardness as we sipped our drinks sighing here and there.

"So what are you?" I asked

"What do you mean?" Asked a confused Connor

"About 15 girls just followed you in here and you just act like it's normal." I laughed

"Oh that... Well we erm... We're in a band called The Vamps... Have you heard of us?"

Of course I had! They were still in very early days but their fan base was growing daily.

"No I don't think so.. Do you have any singles out?"

"Not yet, that's our next plan, to have something out by the end of this year. 2013/2014 year of The Vamps!" Brad said laughing towards the end.

We finished the rest of our drinks in silence.

"Do you need a lift home?"

They look at me.

"Are you sure you're okay to drive?"

"Yeah I'm fine my headaches gone now"

"Sure then that'd be great!"

I lead them to my now lonely mini cooper parked all alone in the middle of the car park. I unlock the car.


"That's not fair you always sit in the front"

Brad moaned and groaned and begrudgingly climbed into the back. I plugged my phone in and put on my All Time Low playlist, Connor looked at me before turning to Brad and beginning to sing along.

"Where do you want to be dropped?"

"Erm... I'll navigate you, my house isn't really in a street"

"Okay? "

I let Brad navigate the way to his house and he was right it wasn't in a street it was in the middle of nowhere.

"Th-this is your house?!"

"Yeah it was bought recently..."

"You live here alone?!"

"He lives with me and two other guys Tristan and James, we bought the house together, we're just four regular guys"

I hid my smirk well at this lie from Connor. 'Four regular guys?!' Four guys who have subscribers all over the country and who are supporting Mcfly in the next few months!

I turned off the engine as Connor got out.

"Do you want to come in for a bit?"

"I should probably go... I dont even know my way home from here"

I giggled nervously.

"Please come in, I'm sure the other two would love to meet you!"

I eventually gave in and climbed out of the car as Connor and Brad headed towards the door. My head feels light and I feel sick but I hurry after them hoping to sit down and not make a fool of myself again. I entered the hallway, Brad and Connor had waited for me.

"Tris! James! Come here!"

There's a massive thunder as two boys come hurrying down the wide staircase.

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