Chapter 25; Kate

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"Daisy! DAISY!"

"Fuck sake Brad. Don't shout so loud!" I said standing up.

"I'm sorry, but come on we need to move!" Urgency laced his voice.

"Brad what's going on-?" I was cut short as he picked me up and chucked me over his right shoulder in a fireman's lift.

"Brad put me down!" I cried out.

He ran to Starbucks and finally put me down.

"Brad. What the fuck?" I said.

He was bent down, his hands upon his knees as he tried to catch his breath.

"I'm- I'm sorry" He squeezed out, grabbing a bottle of water from his bag.

"I'm gonna need a lot more than that! You just freaking manhandled me across an airport!"

He was still trying to catch his breath as he tried to talk again. I watched him. Trying to read his facial expression.

"Who was she?" I asked

"My cousin" He breathed out.

"If you're related why run away?"

"I-She-We" Brad was still breathing deeply gently coughing and sipping his water.

"You can trust me." I said as I looked him in the eye.

Brad stood up straight and sat down. I copied him and waited for him to start.

"She moved to America three years ago. We were pretty close and they were family you know? But one day me and Natalie came home from school and our Auntie Lauren was on our sofa. She told us how Kate had gone missing. We didn't really understand what she meant, we'd been at school with her less than two hours ago. What we didn't know was that Kate had planned to leave early and meet her brother. We just assumed they'd gone out, but after a day we knew we were wrong, we took Lauren back to her house, it was a big mistake Kate and her brother had taken all their stuff and gone. We didn't even know why! They just left. Two weeks later we got a text from Josh saying they'd moved to America."

"Wow. So what happened? You know after?" I asked.

"My Aunt went out to try and find them but no luck. We don't really mention them. I just hate what they did to their own mother! It makes me so angry!" Brad finished through gritted teeth. His jawline prominent and his fists clenched.

"You should talk to her. We still have time, it's only 12:45pm. You should find out why she left." I said.

"I want to but I don't want to punch her." Brad said releasing my hand.

"I could come with you if you like?" I said sitting back in my chair.

He looked up at me. His rich chocolate eyes met mine and he nodded gently. We rose together and wandered of to try and find Brad's cousin.




so i went to The Vamps Teenage Cancer Trust concert on Monday night and oh my frickety it was fab! I just can't believe i went! i had such a fab time as well! wow! anyway! i hope you're having a good easter holiday! VERY EXCITED FOR THE ALBUM RELEASE ON MONDAY! WOOOOOOOOO!

please comment and vote!

Em x

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