Chapter 78; Then There Were 3

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"Lily, you really should tell the boys." Charlotte said as she passed Lily her passport.

It was 5:15pm and Lily's flight left at 9:37pm and she was getting ready to go.

"I don't need to tell the boys. Just leave it." She said. "Do you think I've forgotten anything?" She asked, biting her lip.

"Only your common sense." Sophie muttered under her breath.

"I'll miss you girls." She said, moving her suitcase off her bed. 

"We'll miss you too!" Charlotte said.

"And we won't touch your room." I laughed as she looked around fondly.

"Everything will be ready for when you get back, we'll just change the bedsheets" Sophie laughed.

"My dad will be here soon. Walk me through the plan again." She said, looking at her watch.

The three of us sighed.

"We're taking the boys out for dinner." Sophie began.

"If they ask where you are, we say ill in bed." Charlotte said.

"By the time we've finished dinner, you'll be on your flight and we can give Tristan the note you've left him." I finished.

"Fab!" Lily said, handing me the envelope, Tristan's name on the front in her curly writing.

Lily's phone vibrated and she let out a little squeak.

"My dad's here. I'm going to Rome." She said excitedly.

We all grabbed a bag and helped her downstairs quickly so the boys didn't notice.

"If you've forgotten anything or can't get it out there, let us know and we'll send it over!" Sophie said as she hugged Lily. "I'll miss you so much!" 

"Thank you for looking after me." Charlotte said, quietly, as she hugged Lily next. "I know it was you who brought me fresh flowers everyday at the hospital and left me books." She smiled softly.

"I love you Lil." I said strongly. 

"Look after Tristan for me, please, make sure Brad is there for him." She said as tears fell down her cheek.

"I will." I nodded, giving her hand a squeeze as she got in to the car.

"Let us know as soon as you land!" Sophie said.

"I love you guys!" She called from the window, as the car drove away.

"And then there were three." Sophie said quietly as we made our way back up to the flat.


"COME ON BOYS WE'RE GOING OUT FOR DINNER!" Sophie called through the apartment at 6:45pm.

The boys hurried down the stairs and met us at the door.

"Is Lily not coming?" James asked.

We looked at one another before Charlotte spoke up.

"Oh, yeah, she's ill." She said, unconvincingly.

"Ill?" Connor asked.

We all nodded.

"What's wrong with her?" 

"Food poisoning."


"Sore throat."

We all said at the same time.

"I mean, she's got food poisoning, which is giving her a migraine and a sore throat from all the throwing up, its not pretty." I said quickly.

Things Can Change - The Vamps Fan-fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora