Chapter 80; Lily's Return

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"Have you spoken to Lily about coming back for the last night of tour?" Charlotte asked me as we sat watching Harry Potter.

"I mentioned it." She said. "She wasn't sure but she agreed to come home but she didn't agree to the tour."

"At least if she is here we can persuade her more." Sophie said. 

"Yeah, and hopefully Sam and Luke will be able to help persuade her." 

"When do they get here?" 

"Sunday, but the boys don't know they're coming yet." I smiled

"So when is Lily back?" 

"She's got the week off, so she's coming on Friday, two days before Sam and Luke." Charlotte said as she scrolled through her phone.

I nodded as I took a sip of my tea. Harry Potter continued to play in the background as we all scrolled through our phones, occasionally sharing something we'd found on twitter.

"The boys want to FaceTime." Sophie said, looking up from her phone and grabbing her laptop.

We moved round to sit next to Sophie as she answered the call.

"HELLOOOOOOOOO!" They all yelled through the computer.

"I forgot how loud you all were." Charlotte laughed.

"We're not loud." Connor pouted

"How is everything?" James asked

"Is our flat okay?" Tristan yelled from the other side of the room

"How are you all?" Brad asked over everyone else.

"One question at a time." We laughed.

After filling the boys in about what had been happening on our end, they spoke about tour and what they'd been up to it was about midnight, so we decided to call it a night and head up to bed.


"LILY! OVER HERE!" Charlotte shouted across the arrivals lounge as Lily came through the gate. 

"Hello!" She cried as she pulled all of us in a hug. "I've missed you so much!" 

"Don't cry else you'll set Soph off, and we know what she is like when she starts crying." 

"Yeah she never stops." Charlotte laughed.

"Hey!" Sophie laughed as she lightly punched Charlotte. 

We walked towards my car and pilled in, chucking Lily's bags into the boot, whilst we decided where we were heading for lunch. We eventually decided on Zizzi's and ordered our favourites cocktails to celebrate Lily's return. 

I took a quick picture of our cocktails and uploaded them to instagram with the caption 'ladies that lunch :)'. 

We spent the afternoon gossiping the time away until we decided to head back for movies. We arrived back at the apartment and took Lily's stuff upstairs. 

"We left everything as you left it when you left." I said as Sophie opened the door. 

"The only thing we did was remove some photos and change the bedding." Charlotte said quietly. 

Lily looked around her room as she put her bags on her bed. 

"Thank you." She smiled. 

"We'll let you unpack." Sophie said as she ushered us out of the room. 

"Movies in twenty minutes!" 

I headed into my room and got changed in to my pyjamas and then scrolled through twitter on my phone until I got a phonecall.

'Hey you, so when did Lily arrive?' Brad asked. 

I inhaled as I heard the smirk on his lips. 

'Hey. Lily?' I asked trying to play it cool. 

'Your instagram picture. There were four glasses.'

'Yeah? We met up with a friend from school.'

'Oh yeah?' Brad asked unconvinced.

'Anyway, how was your day?" 

'Yeah it was good, we played a bit of football and then went out exploring as it's our day off.'

'That was good. Are you excited for London?'

'Of course, I mean I'm also nervous and everything but it's London!'

I smiled to myself as I could imagine Brad smiling and the excitement in his eyes. 

'I'm so proud of you! How's Tristan bearing up?' I asked. 

'Not bad. I mean he keeps going over it when he thinks we aren't paying attention. He said they message like every other week, but nothing much, just hello and how's your week and goodbye. Lily's not coming to tour is she?'

'Lily's in Rome, so I doubt it.' I sighed. 

'Yeah, I guess-'


'You okay?' Brad asked. 

'Yeah, we're having a movie night, as per, and they want to start so I'd better go.'

'Oh alright, I love you.'

'Love you most!'

'Yeah, yeah.' He laughed. 'I'll see you soon.'

'I'll see you soon.' I said as the line went dead. 

I grabbed my phone charger and made my way downstairs to join the others, as my phone vibrated.

'I really can't wait to see you. Love you always D.'

I smiled as I replied and plugged my phone in. 


Okay, so lol this was supposed to be the penultimate chapter but it's no longer meant to be.

But the end is so soon I can smell it and I'm so sorry I've not updated etc but results were stressful and I finally got into the university of my choice and I can't wait.

I hope everyone is having a fab summer and got the GCSE results they wanted and the A Level results they needed and the universities/colleges they wanted.

Anyway, please comment and vote :)

Em x

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