Chapter 37; Can We Dance?

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Brad's point of view;

We waited and waited. Until a nurse eventually came back in.

"Are there any family members here yet?" She asked.

"Her mum is still in Scotland." Connor said.

'Right okay, well, she's awake but very tired. The amount of alcohol she had was dangerous. The doctors fitted an intravenous drip, which goes directly into a vein and will top up her water, blood sugar and vitamin levels. We've also sedated her whilst we get the alcohol to leave her system. Once we've brought her back round tomorrow morning, we should be able to discharge her in a few days, but she will be very groggy, which is why we will keep her in."

"Can we see her?" Sophie asked.

"Very briefly and only a couple at a time please." The nurse said, leading us down the corridor.

Lily and Sophie went in first, followed by Charlotte, Tristan and James leaving me and Connor last.

"We'll see you soon." Connor said as he gave her hand a squeeze.

"I'll give you a few minutes okay?" Connor said, giving me a pat on the shoulder.

"Cheers mate." I said, stepping towards her and taking her hand.

"Hey D, I don't really know what to say. I found your letter, but I can't bring myself to look over it... maybe we can do it when you're better. All I know is that I love you Daisy Potts." I said, kissing her forehead, moving her hair out of the way and squeezing her hand.

We left the hospital about 1:00am and headed back to the house the girls were tried, so stayed with us. We all had a mug of tea and sat in the living room, the silence somehow echoing all around us, slowly, the couples drifted up to bed, first James and Sophie, then Connor and Charlotte, then Lily and Tristan, leaving me alone downstairs.

I hardly moved. I knew I should get some sleep before the train ride, but the whole time my mind was reeling, I didn't want to hurt Amelia, she'd left me three voice mails, all asking where I was and if I was safe, the last she was crying, asking why I was ignoring her. Before I could stop myself I picked up my phone from the coffee table and called Amelia. The phone rang, each ring lasting a lifetime. I guessed she was asleep or ignoring me as the call went to voice mail. I didn't leave a message, instead I turned my phone off, walked to the drinks cabinet and grabbed the bottle of whisky from the shelf.

As I drank the whiskey I went over the texts from Amelia and my texts with Daisy and the voicemails, until I eventually dropped off to sleep.


James' point of view;

"He drank the whole thing?" I asked.

"No, but he had a few glasses so he'll be hanging today." Sophie said.

It was 8:00am, our train for London departed at 9:45am. I looked at the no doubt hungover Brad lying on the sofa, the bottle of vintage whiskey laying on the floor, and sighed. He had it rough. Mine and Sophie's bags stood by the door, we were ready to leave. At about 8:30am, the others surfaced from their sleep.

"He still asleep?" Connor asked.

"Hmm..." I said, showing the half empty bottle.

"Jheez, did he drink it all?" Tristan asked entering the room and bending down by Brad.

"Come on then, let's get him up, we need to get going." Tristan said shaking Brad.

It didn't work.

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