Chapter 41; Daisy

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Brad's point of view;

Towards the end of the meal Connor's phone went off. He left the restaurant to hear better. I watched as he left and looked Charlotte who shrugged. We finished our puddings and Connor still hadn't returned. He'd been gone a good half an hour. 

"Should I go and check he is okay?" Charlotte asked. 

I shurgged just as he walked back into the restaurant smiling. 

"Guess who's awake?" He said locking eye contact with me. 

"Really?" I asked, hope filling me heart. 

He nodded.

"She's been asking for you." He said.

"Me?" I asked confused. 

He nodded again.

"Brad do you want to go home tonight?" Lily asked.

"I- I don't know" I said a little taken aback. 

"Brad, it's clear this girl means a lot to you, go to her." Kate said patting my shoulder. 

I thought. 

What about Amelia? - But Daisy needs me.

Amelia is your girlfriend! - I want Daisy.

Is this a good idea? - The best.

"Yes. I want to go home tonight. Daisy needs me and to be honest I need her." I said. 

Everyone nodded and James rang Joe.

We said goodbye to Kate and I promised to contact her when she was back in Birmingham, before we ran to our hotel and gathered our stuff quickly so we could meet Joe at the station to get our new train tickets. 

We got to the station at 7:00pm and saw Joe sat in Starbucks.

"Hey." He said. 

"Sorry about this, really." I said sheepishly, I felt bad.

"Don't be daft, just don't mess this up Brad, you have to choose. Daisy or Amelia, and even then you have to think about the secrecy like this lot." He said pointing to the others.

I nodded.

"Right, platform three, train leaves in twenty minutes. See you in a couple of days?" Joe said.

We nodded and hugged before running to the train. 

The journey lasted what seemed hours. I really wanted to get back. It was 9:41pm when we got back to Birmingham, we got a taxi to the hospital and followed Connor to Daisy's ward, our luggage getting in the way as we hurried. 

"Right, Brad in first, good luck buddy!" Connor said. 

"I don't know, maybe you'd be best going first?" I said to Connor who shook his head and pushed me to the room. 

I opened the doors and walked down the ward to the end, I could hear Daisy talking her mum who had come back from Scotland earlier that day.

"Why did you ring them mum? I don't want them here, maybe I should just got to Scotland with you."

"You have good friends Daisy, don't throw all of this away"

"I don't want to hurt anyone." She whispered. 

"You won't if you don't give up... do you understand what the doctor said yesterday?" 

Daisy must have nodded because her mum spoke again.

"People want to help you and I don't want to lose you. Daisy I need you okay, even if you are in Birmingham or wherever, I need you okay? I can't see you hurt." 

"I'm sorry mum, I love you. I love you so much!" Daisy said, clearly holding back tears as her voice quivered.

Daisy's mum repeated the I love you before laughing nervously.

"Look at us, making ourselves look silly. Right, when they're all back from London tomorrow, I will start thinking about going home okay?" 

I moved and saw Daisy nod. I moved closer this time and pulled the curtain slightly more open so I was fully visible. 


I smiled, walked and pulled Daisy into a hug. Her hair smelt of strawberries like normal and she was perfect to hold, like she made me whole again.

"Why are you here?" She asked. "Did you know about this?" She asked her mother, who was also pretty shocked and who shook her head.

"Nice to know I'm appreciated?" I smirked.

"You know what I mean, you're not supposed to be back till tomorrow!" Daisy said.

I sat on her bed.

"Pulled some strings." I said with a wink and she laughed.

"I'm going to let you two catch up." Her mum said leaving. 

I looked at Daisy. She was so perfect.

"Daisy I'm sorry." I whipered.

"You don't need to be sorry Brad, it was a low point and I wasn't thinking" She said.

"I have hardly slept, I have been so worried about you." I admitted.

"You're silly! You didn't need to worry about me, you doughnut."

"I did, you could have died, and if you had I wouldn't have been able to do this." 

"Do what?"

I pressed my lips to hers gently, she kissed back and I smiled into the kiss.  

"I still have some things to sort out okay? But I love you Daisy Potts, and it's stupid because what you did shouldn't have made me only realise that now." 

She blushed and I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 

"I didn't mean to hurt you, any of you!" She said. 

"I know, it's okay!" I said holding her hand. "Connor's pretty cut up, so I'm going to send him in okay?"

She nodded and I pecked her cheek. 

"I'll come and see you tomorrow, I need to sort everything out." 

She nodded again.




"Why what?" 

"Why do you even like me?" 

"Don't be daft."

"No seriously Brad, how could you love someone so fucked up as me? I'm scarred, I'm bruised, I'm a fucking wreck but you still like me?" 

"I never stopped." 


"See ya' tomorrow beautiful." I said running back up the ward to get Connor. 



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Em x

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