Chapter 24; Going Home

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Our time in LA consisted of the boys meeting American managers and working on what was to be their big success their first single. Still with no name and only a few lyrics. We spent lots of time at the pier and skate park, competing against each other, and nearly killing ourselves, but the time and eventually come to leave.

"I don't want to go" Pined Connor.

Joe laughed as he handed back our room keys and James slapped Connor on the back before picking up his bag and following Dean out the entrance to the mini bus waiting outside.

"So did you enjoy your time in LA Miss Potts?" Brad asked me with a wink.

"I did very much so! Thank you Mr Simpson" I replied with a smile.

"I'm very glad about that." He smiled.

I laughed and we walked out to the mini bus.

This weather made him look good. The sun reflected on his chocolate curls. He slipped his Ray Ban's on, the sun caught his eyes making his pupils constrict. His skin was tanned already but the rays of sunlight bounced off his skin creating a new glow. He smiled at me as we walked. We reached the mini bus and he slid up the door for me to get in. I climbed in and saw that Joe and Dean were in the front with Fin and the mini bus driver. James was sat at one of the tabled seats opposite Sophie. Tristan and Sophie were sat on a two and Connor at the other table. I went to sit next to him Brad following me. I sat down next to Connor, Brad opposite. I pulled out my earphones and plugged them into my phone blocking out the sound of Sophie's giggles, James' talking and Tristan's drumsticks. All Time Low came on and I shut my eyes taking in the lyrics and loosing myself in the beat.


Someone was shaking my shoulder gently. I could feel their face close to mine, their breath warm against my cheek. The smell of minty chewing gum wafting over me. I opened my eyes. Connor was also asleep his faced pressed against the window. Brad was smirking at me.

"What?" I asked giving him a gentle shove.

"You looked cute."

"Shut up" I said as I put my phone and earphones in my bag.

"Someone wake up Connor! I can't be dealing with him being grumpy at me." Joe called.

Brad leant forward to wake Connor but I stopped him, shaking my head. He put his head down and put on the puppy eyes sticking out his bottom lip.

I put my head to Connor's and shouted BOO in his ear. He woke with a start, and glared around at everyone.

"Connor we're nearly at the airport" I said giving him a peck on the cheek.

He laughed, but Brad looked jealous, he looked at Connor his eyes cold. Connor didn't seem to notice but I did. What was his problem? He knows me and Connor are just friends.

"Right! Make sure you have everything! Tristan I'm looking at you here-" Joe called.

"Hey!" Tristand said sticking out his bottom lip.

We all laughed as Joe continued.

"We need to check in and go straight to departures. The plane leaves at 1:58pm and so we need to be standing together by the gate at 1:30pm. Okay?!" Joe said.

We all nodded taking in the information as the bus pulled up and stopped.

We all jumped out grabbing our bags and cases and followed Joe, Dean and Fin to the check-in desk. We check-in and run to the duty free leaving management to wander off to Starbucks.

"Meet for lunch at 12:00pm by Starbucks" Brad whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

I nodded and watched him run off after Tristan, Lily, Sophie and Connor.

"LILY! Look! Chanel!" Sophie cried, but Lily was off with Tristan.

I watched as Sophie walked off to find her and James grabbed a box and ran to the tills. Laughing to myself I went to find Brad. I walked through the shop looking for him. I walked to Starbucks to find Brad as it was 12:00pm. I stood waiting. Time ticked. I felt awkward. It was 12:30pm. I left my cases and bags with Joe and Co and went off to find Brad myself.

I wandered round the terminal aimlessly.

"Bradley Simpson!" A girl screamed.

I shot round and spotted Brad running towards me a girl who's face I couldn't see hot on his tail. He rushed up to me. I was about to dodge as he once again ran full pelt into me.



How are you?

Long time no see!

Anyway, as it is Easter I will try to upload but yeaah aha, I hope you have a lovely easter and eat lots of chocolate.

Also i won tickets to see The Vamps at their Teenage Cancer Trust concert and I swear to god I can't believe it. Literally! I was sobbing and shaking!

I'll add some details about it soon!

Please comment and vote

Em x

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