Chapter 56: Phonecalls

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"Ooooo tell James what?"

I turned around, groaning internally as I saw who was stood in the doorframe.
I spun round and looked at the door frame as did Sophie.

"Oh Kate, you okay?" I asked.

"Yep, the boys went out so I thought I'd come and see you before you left."

"Oh right, well we're actually off now too." I said grabbing my bag.

"What did you have to tell James Sophie?" Kate said as I walked past her to go downstairs.

"Oh just that I have to go away for a weekend soon." Sophie said.
"Sounded more urgent than that."

"Soph we really need to go." I shouted. "Kate you can get a taxi or a bus from just outside and we'll see you in a bit."

Sophie came down the stairs followed by Kate. We headed out the door, locking it before going downstairs to the apartment owners car park.

"Right see you later." I said, unlocking my car and putting my bag on the back seat.
"Can you not drop me into town?" Kate asked, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Not really, sorry, we have to pop into the chemist and doctors." I said, getting into the car. "See you later."

I shut the car door and waited for Sophie to do her seatbelt up. We drove onto the main road as the radio played softly in the background.

"So what do we actually do today?" Sophie asked.

"Not a clue, I was just heading into town really, do we need anything specific?" I asked.
Sophie shook her head.

"Should we actually go and get our nails done then? Do a bit of shopping? Then meet everyone?" I asked.

"Sure why not?"

I turned up the radio just as 'can we dance' came on. We both burst out laughing, and singing along, as Sophie sent a snapchat.

After a few hours of nail therapy, eyebrow fixing and retail therapy, we collapsed on a bench with our drinks. My phone went off just as I took a sip from my bottle of Pepsi.

I looked down at the phone. It was an unknown number.

I slid my finger across the screen the answer the call.


Nobody spoke but I could hear the person breathing.

"Hello? Who is it?"

Again they didn't reply. I hung up the phone and rested it on my leg.

"Who was it?" Sophie asked looking up from her phone.

"Probably one of the boys playing a prank. I'll phone Brad and ask where they are." I said.

"No James just text, they're just parking and coming to meet us, so stay where we are." She said.

I nodded and began to scroll through Twitter.

"Ew, it appears to be Daisy."

I turned around and looked at Brad.

"That was mean Mr Simpson." I said standing up.

"Yeah well he is mean." Connor said.

I laughed.

"So which one of you idiots prank called me?" I asked, picking up my bags.

"Err... none of us?" James said.

"One of you must have." I said.

"Nope." Connor said.

"What happened babe?" Brad asked taking my hand as we began to walk to where we were meeting Charlotte and Kate.

"Someone rang, and didn't talk, just kept breathing heavily down the phone. I just assumed it'd be one of you lots."

"Well it wasn't any of us." Brad said. "That is a bit strange... If they ring again, give the phone to me okay?"

I nodded. We stopped outside a little pub on the corner, Charlotte running towards us, yelling she'd got the job at the modelling agency she'd applied for. Connor held out his arms for her to jump into.

"Well done gorgeous." He said hugging her tightly.

"Let's get food and drink to celebrate." James said leading us to the pub.

We sat down and ordered and made a toast to Charlotte, just as Kate walked in, laden with shopping bags.

"I'll be back in a sec. Just popping to the loo." I said.

Brad nodded.

I checked my hair in the mirror above the sinks and moved a bit of my fringe. Just as I grabbed some tissue to blow my nose. My phone started to ring again. I slid my phone across the screen and answered the unknown call again

"Can you stop ringing me please."

"Daisy? Please. Don't hang up. I need your help."
hope you're all good ☺️
I know it's shit but it's a filler 💁🏼😂
Enjoy the cliffhanger 😉
Em x

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