Chapter 72; The Hospital

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"She was. She was unconscious at the bottom of a dip when the car exploded and..." Connor paused again and inhaled. "They found her when their dogs were searching round the car."

"She's dead?"


Connor looked up and shook his head. My stomach flipped.

"She's alive?!" Sam asked of all of us.

Connor and Sophie nodded.

"She was badly injured though." Connor said.

"But that's not the only thing, though is it!" Connor said, choking.

"What else?" Tristan asked, as he put his arm round Lily.

"They think she could be an alias." Connor spat.

"What?! That's crazy!" James said.

"How could anyone think that? It's ridiculous-"

Brad was interrupted as a nurse appeared.

"Sorry, are you the parents of Charlotte Taylor?" She asked.

Mick and Sally nodded.

"Charlotte's doctor is available to speak with you now." She said.

They both nodded again and led them away.

We all sat back down.

"We should probably phone Joe." James said.

The boys agreed and James left headed outside.

After what felt like hours of waiting, Sally, Mick and a doctor returned.

"Charlotte's had surgery for internal damage." Mick said.

"And?" Connor asked, standing up.

"She's still in a critical condition, but we believe she could make a full recovery, provided there are no other complications, however she will have some scars from some burns and cuts she sustained from the blast and the crash itself. She's in intensive care, where she'll remain under sedation until she is able to breathe for herself, then we can talk her off the ventilator and mover her to a ward." The doctor said.

"Can I see her?" Connor asked.

"I'm sorry, it's only family at the minute." He said.

"That's bullshit!" Connor said, sitting back down.

"Could he not pop in for a minute?" Sophie asked.

"I'm sorry, it's just family." The doctor said again.

Mick and Sally looked apologetically before turning to the doctor.

"My husband and I will just pop into see Charlotte, and then we will be returning to our hotel for the evening, please let us know if there are any changes. We will leave the numbers with you." Sally said as she looked at Connor and Sophie, before turning to the doctor.

The doctor nodded and walked away to wait for them by the reception desk.

"Are you going to come back tomorrow?" Sophie asked, as she hugged them goodbye.

"We'll see, it depends on her condition, there's not much we can do if she is still unconscious." Sally said.

"She's still able to hear you." Sophie said.

"We'll see dear." Mick said, as he gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Your parents will be here tomorrow." Sally said to Sophie.

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