Chapter 63; Post

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"Bradley, we have post." I said, pulling post out of our mailbox in the lobby. 

"Ooo for both of us?" He asked. 

I nodded and handed him the envelope. 

"It's from Birmingham, so could be your family?" I asked, locking the mailbox door and heading upstairs after everyone else.

"Naaa that's not their writing." He said, opening the letter. 

"What is it?" I asked, turning back to him. 

"It's a card, from Kate." 

"What does she want?" I asked.

"It says with sympathy Daisy."

I looked at him, and then at the card before taking it from his hands. 

'Sorry for your loss.

Kate x'

"Our loss?"

Brad shrugged and reached back into the envelope pulling out a picture. He flipped it over to see the front. It was a group photo. The boys, us girls, Kate and Sam. Kate's and Sam's faces had been circled in red sharpie pen. James', Lily, and Charlotte's faces and been scratched by a pen.

"I don't understand it?" I asked. 

"We'll have to report this." Brad said, putting everything back in the envelope and tucking it in his jacket pocket. 

"We'll go tomorrow morning okay?" I asked, taking his hand. 

Brad nodded and we headed back up to the apartments. Brad looked at his door, before stopping at mine. 

"Brad you can go and see them and stay there if you want." I laughed. 

"I want to stay with you." He said. 

"Go and see them for a bit." I said, kissing his cheek and pushing him to the door,

"I love you D." 

"I love you too." 

We both entered our apartments. 

"Yo yo yo!" I called.

"Living room!" Someone called back.

"Helloooooo." I said, sitting down in my favourite seat on the sofa.


"Hey Sam, how was your day?" I asked. 

"Yeah not too bad, I went and did a bit of shopping so that was good." He said, pointing to a mountain of bags at the side.

"A bit." I laughed.

"He went a bit overboard." Charlotte said, coming into the room and grabbing her coat.

"Where are you off to?" I asked.

"I've got a last minute night shoot." She said, grabbing her bag from the floor. "I shouldn't be too late, I'll see you all later!" She called, running out of the room.

"So Sam what are your plans for tomorrow?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, I hadn't really thought about it why?"

"What about a day with me?" I asked. "And obviously Sophie, Lily and Charlotte if they want." I laughed looking at Sophie.

"Yeah I'm up for that." Sophie and Sam said at the same time laughing. 

"I have to go out with Brad in the morning, but after that I'm all game." I said. 

"Fab." Sam said. 

Lily came back about half an hour after Charlotte left and Sam stayed with us for a few more hours before deciding to head back over to the boys and head to bed. 

"Thank you." Sophie and Lily said as the door closed.

"What for?" I laughed.

"Giving Sam another chance." Lily said with a smile.

"And we're sorry we were so harsh when you said about it." Sophie added.

"That's okay." I laughed. 

"That'll probably be Charlotte." Lily said as the front door opened.

"Or Brad." I said.

"We're in the living room." Sophie called. "I bet £1 it's Charlotte." She said.

"Deal." I said as Brad walked into the living room.

"Damn." Sophie laughed.

"Sorry Soph, I'm taken." Brad laughed, coming to sit next  to me.

"I just lost a bet, we thought you were Charlotte." She laughed.

"Oh... I thought you were complementing me on my good looks." He said, flipping his hair back.

"Come on princess Brad, let's go." I said, standing up and holding my hand out. 

"Night guys." We both said leaving the living room.

"Stay safe!" One of them shouted. 

We both laughed as we headed up the stairs and into my room.

"I'm absolutely shattered." Brad said as he began getting undressed.

"Can we go about 9:00am tomorrow please babe?" I asked from the bathroom, taking off my make-up and brushing my teeth.

"That's so early!" Brad pouted.

"Get over it." I said, kicking his bum gently as I walked past him to get into my side of the bed.

"Why so early though?" 

"I'm going out with Sam and the girls." 

"Eurgh... Fine, as it's you." He said, kissing my forehead as I cuddled into his chest.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"I love you princess." He said. 

"Hey that's what I'm supposed to say to you!" I laughed. 

"Oh sorry."

"I love you princess Brad." 

"I love you Daisy." 


Hellooooooo :)

Long time no see...

Well let me tell you something is about to kick off in this story so you might not want to miss the next chapter ;)

Also if you're not already aware I have another two books! 

Reckless and Who Even Are The Vamps! 

As I go back to college on Monday I will be updating less regularly and it will most likely be one story a week or every other week but I will let you all know!

Anyway, please comment and vote :)

Em x

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