Chapter 20; The Past

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I began to climb out of the tub. 

"Brad we should get going to the airport." I said.

"It's fine, our flight got delayed, Joe text us, our flights not till 12:00pm" 


Brad held out his arms for me to help him up. I ignored him.

"Oh, I see how it is!" He said pouting. 

I gave him a watery smile as I held out my right arm. 

"You're not that strong!" He laughed as he made a grab for my other arm. 

I headed for the door but he pulled me back. He looked at me and held my hands. Again I tried to pull away but his hands were firm. 

"Daisy, what happened?'

I pulled away from him.

"I'm sorry."

There was a long pause before Brad spoke up. 

"Daisy, I think we need to talk" 

His voice is soft and gently, offering reassurance and gentleness. I look him in the eyes for the first time but remain silent.

"What happened Daisy? Tell me, I want to help you." 

I feel hot tears roll down my face and turn away. 

"Daisy please." 

He takes my hand and squeezes it tightly. I look at him again and swallow deeply.

"You won't want to be involved in my fuck ups Brad." 

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know"

I glare at him. He has no idea. 

"Seven years ago my dad was diagnosed with cancer. He sat me down and said "Dais, I will always love you and when I'm gone I will continue to watch over you, because I love you very much". He was the only one who ever called me Dais, it was a thing we had, I called him Pops and he called me Dais, but at the age of ten I didn't really understand. My dad wasn't going to die, surely? I mean he still had to get to my wedding in future years to come, but at the age of 13, I was proved wrong. My dad was dead and me and my mum were left alone, in the big house he left us. And as if things couldn't get worse I went back to high school and the bullying started. I missed a lot of school and through the time I met celebrities and did things, yet I never rubbed it in anyone's face I kept it silent you know? They thought I was happy meeting these people I mean yeah it made me smile and I could forget for a while but then I'd remember that my dad was dead. Never to be seen again. And these people had the nerve to say I was lucky, the nerve to say I was spoilt, selfish, ungrateful. I mean my dad had just died and they thought I was happy? Day after day I endured the pain of their 'joy'. Their torment. The school refused to help claiming I was making it up. Making the stories of them bullying me up. Why would I do that? In the end mum and I, we moved. I think Scotland held to many memories of my dad for my mum, so we left. We left Scotland, our friends, family and moved to London.  We moved to London and I went to a new school and made new 'friends'. But it seems that I'm a bad luck charm because once again I became 'friends' with people who wanted to make me feel so shit about myself. I began to feel self conscious about myself, my figure, my personality, my looks everything. So I began to self-hate leading to self-harm. Mum got a new job and so we moved again but to here."

I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks. I'd been looking into Brad's eyes the whole time, our eyes were locked together. I smiled. 

"You don't do it now though do you?" He asked, there was worry in his voice.

I shook my head. 

"Over a year a half clean" I smiled.

Brad looked at me. His eyes deep with sympathy and sadness. His eyes moved away from me and then back to me then straight into my eyes.

"I think you're beautiful."




So now you know Daisy's story....

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lot's of love!

Em x

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