Chapter 27; Arriving In London

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Daisy's point of view;

I watched out the window as we flew over London, the view was breathtaking. I turned my head only Dean and James were awake, I wiggled my arm out of Brad's grip trying not to wake him and waved to James who waved back with a smile and a grin, then pointed to a sharpie and Tristan's face. I stifled a laugh as I watch James draw a moustache onto Tristan as Dean filmed it. I felt Brad stir next to me and I turned my attention to him.

"Wakey wakey sleepy-head" I whispered.

"Are we nearly back?" Brad muttered in his raspy morning voice.

I nodded and Brad sat up gently not to wake Connor resting on his shoulder.

"Should I wake him up?" Brad asked.

I nodded again and Brad shook Connor repeatedly till he finally woke up.

"You alright there Connor?" I said quietly so as not to disturb other passengers.

He nodded as Brad and I laughed. The pilot's voice echoed around the plane announcing our arrival at Heathrow. I sighed and waited for the worst part. The landing. I hated it.

"Are you okay? You've gone really pale." Brad said as he gripped my arm.

"I just hate landing." I replied as I pushed my head back against the headrest.

"Oh okay... Do you want to hold my hand?" He asked.

"I don't mind." I breathed out as I shut my eyes.

I felt Brad slip his fingers into my hand and entwine our fingers. My lips twitched into a smile before I remembered Brad was probably watching.

The plane landed with a thud and I opened my eyes.

The next hour consisted of getting through security and collecting our luggage, well all except Tristan who's luggage had gone missing. We waited as Joe led him to the desk and began asking questions before his case finally slid round on the conveyor-belt

"Yay!" Tristan screamed as he and James ran to get it. Sophie and Brad filmed it and put it on instagram as we all fell about laughing.

We left swiftly through the doors to the main airport where like in LA a few fans were waiting. The girls and i stopped a bit behind the boys so as to not be noticed and to give them all some fan time. Dean stood filming the greeting and the hugging and picture taking with the fans as we tried to make our way out of the airport.

It was previously arranged to stay in London for a few days before journeying back to Birmingham. Joe had arranged everything so we had to wait outside.

The June air was warm but breezy but to us it was much colder. I pulled my jacket closer to my body and stretched the sleeves over my hands.

"Are you cold?"

I turned as I saw Connor coming up behind us.

"Yep just a bit." I laughed.

"It's freezing!" Sophie said to James as he placed his arm around her waist and pulled her into him.

Lily raised her eyebrows at me and smirked. I returned the eyebrow raising and then turned to look at Tristan and Brad who were standing together, Brad infront of Tristan and Tristan's arms around Brad. Connor and I took a picture and Connor posted it on Instagram and Twitter.

Finally our car arrived and we packed our luggage in the back and then clamoured into the back of the car. As always Joe, Dean and Fin in the front.

"Pyjamas and movie when we get back?" James asked.

There were murmurs of agreement and people drifted into their own conversations until we arrived and we found our hotel rooms. All the boys together and then the girls in their own room with adjoining doors once again. The girls and I got into our pyjamas before running into the boys room and jumping on their double beds as they whinged about their hair and creased sheets.

"That was my foot Lily!" Tristan exclaimed as he picked her up and sat down with her on his lap.

Was I missing everything?

"James that's my bit of duvet!" Sophie cried out tugging the duvet from under James.

James tumbled off the bed hitting his head on the chest of drawers on the way down,Sophie jumped off to help him up.

"James! Shit are you okay?"

James spoke and Sophie helped him back up onto the bed and they got under the duvet together.

Meanwhile, Connor, Brad and myself were sat together, me in the middle, the duvet covering us. My phone buzzed and I checked it noticing 5 missed calls from my mum and several texts from Brad, Connor and Mum. I glanced at Connor and Brad before looking back to my phone. I decided to just text mum and ring her in the morning. I then read the texts from Brad and Connor.

Connor first;

'What's happening between you and Brad then? ;)

C Xx'

'Stop flirting with Brad...

C Xx'

'Daisy can we talk at some point about you know what?

C Xx'

I laughed at Connor's first two texts texts, wondered about the last so quickly replied to them all and then I read Brad's.

'You look beautiful in those pyjamas... XX'

'But they'd look better on my floor ;D'

'Wait... Who sent that text I wonder? ;)) XXX'

I hit Brad's arm. First he looked hurt then he looked at my phone chuckled, winked and then turned his head back to the TV screen. I replied to Brad's texts anyway before putting my phone down in front of me.

I must have fallen asleep as the next thing I could hear was whispering from Brad and Connor.

"She looks cute when she sleeps." It was Connor's voice.

"Yeah she does" Brad agreed.

"You like her don't you?"

There was a pause before Brad spoke up.

"I think so."

Butterflies soared around in my stomach. Bradley Will Simpson liked me?

"You know how I mean don't you?" Connor urged.

Brad must have nodded his head as Connor spoke next.

"You better not break her then. We know what you can be like sometimes"

I yearned for them to continue. What did Connor mean? What can Brad be like? I was snapped out of my questions as Connor's arm reached over me and obviously found Brad's hair.

"Con watch out! Mind the hair and don't wake her up."

"What should we do? Leave her here?"

"I'd hate to wake her. I think the others are all asleep aswell so we'll just stay like this yeah?" Brad asked.

Connor put his head near my shoulder and I felt him nod as he obviously made himself comfortable.

"Night Brad"

"Night Connor"


hey you beautiful!

sorry for such a long time between updates but i've been a bit busy aha.

i met The Vamps again at their and it was fab. I went up to Connor and he said Hello and I was like Hey and then after the photo was taken i looked at Brad and said thankyou and he said no worries and I was like I love you and he was like you too and then I laughed gently so did he and the others and I was just about to say something to James and Tristan but the stupid security guard made me leave.


I hope you're enjoying the album and Dean's DVD which had me in tears.

what is your favourite song?

please comment and vote

Em x

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