Chapter 51; Moving

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We arrived back at The Simpson's after saying goodbye to Joe, Fin and Dean who were going to Leeds tonight and Connor and Charlotte who had arranged last minute to go to Connor's and settled down with a chinese takeaway and the Christmas film 'White Christmas' which, Brad, James and Tristan enjoyed singing along too, very badly.

"You sound like a bunch of dying cats, how on earth are you on tour?" Nat laughed throwing cushions at them to shut up.

They laughed and threw them back which started a pillow fight and even Jesse Brad's dog joined in, until Anne and Derek called it off, not wanting anything broken. At about 11:00pm we all headed off to bed.

"Brad, you and Daisy can share your bed but no hanky panky, same for the rest of you down here!" Derek said frowning as he got up from the sofa to go upstairs turning and give us all a quick wink and smile.

"Yeah we don't little Bradley's running round." Nat said with a wink, running out the room as Brad grabbed a cushion.

"Do you want to?" Brad asked me putting on his puppy eyes.

"Sure." I smiled taking his outstretched hand and following him out the living room, where everyone else was staying.

"Night guys!" Brad called.

We received a chorus of 'night' back. We reached the landing and Brad pulled me into his room. Jesse was sprawled across his duvet her paws in the air. Brad laughed and tickled her, waking her up. She stood up giving Brad a hurt look and jumped from the bed and left. He then jumped onto the bed and he too sprawled out.

"Bathroom?" I asked, pyjamas in my hand.

"You can get changed her." He winked.

"In your dreams mate." I said, ruffling his curls.

He pouted and I shook my head.

"Second door on the right."

I left the room and heard Brad sign as he got of the bed. I locked the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and threw my hair up into a messy bun, then getting into my elephant pyjama bottoms and white top. Only now did I notice how cold it was.

I switched the light off and went back to Brad's room, knocking on the door before going in.

"Are you decent?" I giggled.

"Yeah." He said.

I walked in and put my stuff down only to turn around and see Brad stood half naked, monkey onesie wrapped around his waist.

"You said you were decent." I smirked.

"You can't see my willy." He said in a childish voice.

I laughed and he got into bed on the left side, leaving me the right side. Brad turned to face me and leant in for a kiss.

"I've fallen for you, and you have no idea just how much." He whispered before rolling back over and nestling down.

Brad pulled me into him, his arms tight round my torso. I smiled as I feel asleep in the arms of someone who loved me.


"Morning beautiful."

I woke up with a dog laying on my legs and Brad's eyes on me.

"Ew you creep." I laughed pushing him away.

He leant in to kiss me, but I put my hand on his chest to stop him.

"What?" He asked furrowing his brow.

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