Chapter 36; My Girl.

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'"Together?" He asked.

I nodded and we both ran at the door.'

Connor's point of view;

We ran at the door and it fell to the floor with an almighty crash. We stepped it to the room, Brad immediately picked up the door but I ran to Daisy's body lying on her bed, an empty bottle of vodka in by her feet and a half full bottle in her hand.

"Shit. Brad call an ambulance!"

I pulled the bottle away and felt for a pulse.


"Call an ambulance for fucks sake!"

He did as I said. The clattering of the door had clearly caused a disturbance downstairs as everyone had come running up. James ran to help me lift her body onto the bed.

"What even happened?" Tristan asked.

"It's coming up to the anniversary of her Dad's death. She never takes it well, I just hoped it wouldn't be that bad this time." Lily said as she stroked Daisy's hair.

"Paramedics!" A male voice shouted.

Tristan ran down the stairs and within seconds they were taking her pulse and listening to her heartbeat.

The paramedics came into her room and we provided them with her details and what she'd taken. They took her pulse, and set up a drip. She began convulsing and was sick. The paramedics steadied her condition and decided to take her in to the hospital. 

I looked at Brad but he was sat glaring at the floor.

Brad and I jumped into the ambulance with Daisy and Brad didn't release her hand. He looked at her the whole time.

We arrived at the hospital and she was taken to resus.

 We waited outside, much to Brad's annoyance. Everyone else soon joined us when they arrived in James' car.

A nurse led us to a relatives room where we waited. We were supposed to be in London for first thing tomorrow morning. I rang Daisy's mum and told her what had happened, promising updates and she promised she'd get there when she'd sorted her shifts at work. 


Brad's point of view;

We waited in the waiting room for two hours. Two long hours. Everyone but Connor and I fell asleep. He looked at me with sympathy. My phone had been constantly going off but I'd turned it off. I had to end it with Amelia. Daisy was my girl, she was the one.



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I don't really know what to say except you're beautiful and I hope you have a lovely day.

Em x

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