Chapter 70; Police Officers

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"All officers to coordinates O°24'W, 52°46'N. Repeat, all officers to coordinates O°24'W, 52°46'N. GBH! GBH!" We heard a voice yell over the radio from the car and the policewomen by the police tape.


Connor looked at the policewoman and ran under the tape and after the police officers as the woman called him back before shouting on her radio. 

I looked at Sophie who fell into James as she sobbed. Then I looked at Brad as he shakes his head at me as I ran after him. 

"NO! D! COME BACK!" He shouted after me. 

I ignored him and ran further after Connor. The stitch that was rising in my stomach tightened as I ran faster. The adrenaline running through my body. I tripped over a tree stump as I saw Connor turn round and spot me.

"Daisy, go back!" He shouted. 

I stood up, ignoring the pain in my leg and ran after him. 

I watched him slow down ahead of me as he saw a herd of police stood round a white tent and lights and two ambulances on the roadside. I caught up with him and put my hand in his, he tried to pull it away but I tightened my grip, just as one of the ambulances blue lights came on and their sirens began before it drove off,

"We do this together Con." I said fiercely, still trying to catch my breath. 

We walked together. 

"You can't be here." A man said as we walked up to them. 

"She's my girlfriend!" Connor shouted.

"Sir, will you please step back." The man said.

Connor pushed forward and tried to break past the policemen. 

"We will not ask you again." Another man said. 

Connor ignored him and pushed forward as a trolley was pushed back towards an ambulance by the side of the road of the woods. Two of the policeman moved forward and grabbed Connor, pushing him to the ground. Connor screamed out and attempted to wrestle against them.

"Sir, we will arrest you if you don't calm down."

"Connor, it's okay, just calm down, breathe." I said helplessly. 

A paramedic came over bent down in front of Connor who was now on the floor in a body lock by the two officers, who eventually, together with the paramedic calmed him down. Connor stood up as the paramedic headed back towards a different police officer where a body bag lay. I pulled Connor into a hug.

"I just want to know if she is dead or alive." He whispered into my ear as his voice cracked.

"I know. It's okay." I whispered back. 

"What if that's her?" He sobbed quietly.

I didn't respond as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"It just can't be her." He said. "I need her."

"I'm sorry to disturb you." 

We separated and turned to a police officer and paramedic. 

"Can we take you both in to hospital with us?"

"Why?" Connor asked.

"We might need you and Sophie to identify a body." The officer said. 

"Come on Connor." I said, giving his hand a squeeze and walking over to the second ambulance with him.

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