Chapter 57; Arguments

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"She was only going to the toilet! Who spends 20 minutes in there?" I asked, looking at the time on my phone.

"Maybe she's talking to her mum? Give her another five minutes, then I'll see if she's okay." Charlotte said.

I nodded and began to scroll through my Twitter feed.

"Hey, sorry that I took so long." Daisy said as she sat back down next to me.

"That's fi- wait... have you been crying?!" I asked looking into her red eyes.

"Me? No." She said quickly, turning away as our food arrived.

I sighed and squeezed her hand resting on the table.

We finished our meals and drinks and walked back out on to the street. I slipped my hand into Daisy's but she pulled it away shaking her head.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. "Are things getting bad again?"

"Nothing is wrong, I just don't want to hold hands, and not everything is to do with my mental health Brad." She said sharply.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." I said.

I watched as she checked and rechecked her phone and I sighed. What was going on?


"Sorry yeah whatever." I said making it obvious I hadn't been listening. I snapped my head up from the ground to look at the group, Daisy looked at me, then diverted her eyes away shaking her head.

"Brad, we asked if you wanted to go home or go and watch a film." Connor laughed.

"Oh right, I don't mind."

In the end we settled for going to the cinema tomorrow as most of us just couldn't be bothered. We said goodbye to Daisy who walked off to where her car was parked.

"D!" I yelled running after her. She didn't look back she just kept walking. "D, can I come back with you?" I asked as I finally caught up with her.

"I just want to be on my own Brad!" She said, turning to me as we neared her car.

"I don't understand Daisy. What happened to you today?! One minute you're fine with me, with us all and then suddenly you don't like any of us, and you're taking it all out on me! What have I done?!" I asked. The volume of my voice grew with anger and sadness.

"I got another call." She said calmly.

"From the unknown number?" I asked.

She nodded.

"What did they say? Who was it?" I asked.

"Sam." She said.

"As in ex-boyfriend Sam?" I asked.

She nodded.

"What did he want?"

"My help."

"Your help?!" I half shouted. "After everything?"

"He wants to say sorry, be friends."

"Oh and you believe his changed do you?"

"Yes! Yes I do Brad! His one of my oldest friends!"

"He is also your old ex-boyfriend who tried to throw you down some stairs, or we just forgetting that ever happened?" I asked, laughing mockingly.

"Like I said, he wants to change!" She snapped back.

"Why does he want your help anyway?" I asked.

"He- he ermm.. Said that he was sorry, he'd lost his luggage coming home and his parents weren't flying back till next week and he had nowhere to go." She said.

"So you've just invited him into your house?!" I asked.

"I couldn't leave him on the streets Brad!" She yelled back.

"You could have got him a hotel!" I snapped back.

"You think this is easy for me?!" She asked.


She blinked. Staring at me. Only then did I notice the tears running down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Brad, I need to see him! I need to see if he has changed. IM NOT A CHILD ANY MORE, AND YOURE NOT MY DAD!!!" She said.

"Then I'm not leaving your side until he has left and there is no way he is staying in your flat!" I said, looking her straight in the eyes. "He can have my room, I'll stay at yours."

The stubborn frown that had been on her face relaxed and I stepped forward, pulling her into my arms. Her floral scent soothed me instantly and I could feel myself calming down.

"I love you too Bradley." She said.



I have plans for this story and would like to end it in 20 chapters max, and if enough people want me too I might do a sequel 🙈

Anyway, new character Sam!

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Em x

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