Chapter 69; Car Chase?

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"Take a left!" Sam called through the phone.

"Right." James said as he pulled up to the junction.

"NO LEFT!" He shouted.

"We know! He was acknowledging what you said!" I sighed as James indicated.

"Then when you get to the roundabout you need to take the second exit and we're in the pub car park to the right." Sam said, as we followed his instructions.

We'd arrived in Milton Keynes and left again, as we followed their journey further north. We pulled up and got out of the car.

"Hey." Lily said.


"So what's the plan?"

"We've gotta eat." Sam said.

"I'm not hungry." Connor and Sophie said.

"Guys come on." Tristan said.

"I just want to carry on looking." Connor said.

We stood in the car park until we eventually persuaded them to come for some food. We entered the pub and Sam asked if there was a plug socket anywhere. We were shown to a round table in the corner and the waiter took our drink orders. We looked through the menu and ordered quickly whilst Sam kept track of where they were heading.

The police also rang half way through our meal to let us know they'd seen the car and they had people following them. We finished and paid after about an hour and a half.

"Let's keep going." James sighed as we walked back to the cars.

We all knew this would have been fun had it been different circumstances and Charlotte had been with us. We'd been driving for about 2 hours when we reached a village.

"The police said to stop by their cars." I said to Sam through the phone.

The police had phoned to say they'd found the car, caught up with it and were now on a foot chase. We pulled up behind 3 police cars and got out, only to be stopped at the police tape barrier.

"I'm sorry, this is a crime scene, I can't permit anyone to cross." A policewoman said as we reached the barrier.

Sophie opened her mouth to speak but Connor tugged her arm.

At that moment another police car pulled up and Charlotte's parents got out followed by the policemen who had come to our apartment.

"Auntie Sally!" Sophie sobbed as she ran to them. "Uncle Mick!"

Her auntie and uncle pulled her into a hug as they comforted one another. Sophie released herself from their grasp to grab Connor who blushed bright red and mumbled how sorry he was that this had happened, and in response to him Charlotte's parents hugged him.

"Ah, you're all here."

"What's happening?" Tristan asked.

"We need to speak with Charlotte's next of kin before we can disclose any other information." He said, ducking under the tape and walking towards her parents.

"Shall we take this somewhere more quiet?"

Her parents shook their heads and the man nodded.

"The car that has been dumped in that hedged over there crashed. It would seem that Charlotte was actually in the front sear of the car at the time of impact, however it can't be certain as to where she went after the crash as when our officers reached the scene moments later, the driver, Charlotte and the other passengers had disappeared. Our officers are now conducting a full search of the woodland area and surrounding villages and -"

He was cut off my another police officer who came over urgently and whispered to the man.

"I will be back." He said, quickly as he ran after the police officer.

Suddenly there was a surge of running footsteps as other officers came running past.

"All officers to coordinates O°24'W, 52°46'N. Repeat, all officers to coordinates O°24'W, 52°46'N. GBH! GBH!" We heard a voice yell over the radio from the car and the policewomen by the police tape.


Long time no see :)

I'm so sorry i've been gone so long but my exams are so stressed and when I've not been binge eating chocolate and crying over past papers I've tried to spend time with my friends, family and boyfriend so I'm so sorry! But I promise as soon as exams are over, I'll be back ;)

Anywaaaaaay GBH is a police code/abbreviation in the UK so if you want to know what it means get that googling on ;)

please comment and vote! :)

Em x

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