Chapter 10; Worries

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Sophie and Lily arrived within the hour. The engine of Sophie's car gave a last purr as she switched the ignition off and they grabbed their bags from the boot before heading to my front door and wacking the knocker hard and loud many times. Laughing I went to answer the door.

"I'm not deaf you know!" I giggled as we hugged and proceeded into the lounge. The bottle of wine I'd got out earlier was opened and poured as we chatted all about Sophie, Brazil, Me, Lily and everything else that had happened in the last year, my worries about Sophie and Lily disappearing within minutes. It was like she'd never been gone. 


Tristan's point of view;

"She hasn't text yet... Are you sure you gave her the slip of paper Connor?" Brad asked 

"Yes!" He cried.

I watched as James sat on the edge of the sofa scrolling through his twitter feed before clicking onto his texts and refreshing them. I wonder if his waiting for the same text as the rest of us. I gently push my foot into his lower back. He leapt up from the sofa his hand over his mouth. 

"Sorry, I forgot." I said apologetically as he sat back down turning to face me.

"What's up James?" I asked lowering my voice so Connor and Brad don't hear.

"Nothing" He falsely smiles.

"I know you're lying" I say staring at him.

"It's just I couldn't find the letter Daisy wrote to me, I mean I know I didn't throw it away, it was very touching and I never have the heart to throw anything I'm given away, I put them all together in a folder to keep them safe but  I remember reading hers now I think about it more, it said some things that I just can't get out of my head." He finished

I sat shocked at how much James remembered.

"Follow me!" I said as I lead him upstairs. 

He followed as I lead him into my room, removing a big box from my wardrobe.

"Tris, what are you doing?" He asked looking at me with a puzzled expression over his face. 

"The letters were probably similar." I began. "So if we look through my box of fan mail we might find mine, if not we'll ask Brad, don't worry James, maybe you left your one at your parent's house, it might have fallen out or something?" I finish beginning to empty the box.

James and I sat for a good hour or two before giving up and concluding that mine too had gone missing. 


Oh hey there! ;)

So it would be fab if you could comment and vote as i'd love some feedback. 

I thought it'd be cool to have the boys points of view randomly pop up here and there but if they confuse you let me know and I'll sort it out!

I hope you have a lovely Wednesday, enjoy the twitcam tonight and I hope if you've ordered your bundles you enjoy them too when they arrive!

Em x

Things Can Change - The Vamps Fan-fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora