Chapter 79; Lads On Tour

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"Lads on tour! Lads on tour! Lads on tour!" 

"If I hear that shouted one more time today, I will leave." 

The boys were finally heading off on tour and for the past three days all we've heard is their shouts of 'Lads on tour' whilst we helped them to pack.

"Brad, you can't just take one pair of jeans." I laughed as I packed another 4 pairs for him. "You also can't live in one pair of shoes."

After what felt like 5 painstaking hours of packing, they were ready to go. 

"What time is Joe picking you up tomorrow morning?" Sophie asked.

"It's like a four hour journey to Sheffield so I think he is coming at like 6:00am so we get to the Venue about 10:00am."

"Wrong Brad." James said, as he came into the kitchen. "Joe is staying with us tonight to make sure we're up and really ready to leave at 5:00am so we get there on time, so yes you do need to be up." He laughed.

Brad made a sobbing noise and we laughed. 

"It's going to be so weird that your apartment is going to be empty." 

"At least we will have a full fridge." Charlotte said.

"We don't eat that much of your food." Connor said. 

"You went through a whole load of OUR bread in 3 hours." She said, sticking her tongue out. 

"Has Tris finished packing?" I asked Brad.

"He hasn't really left his room since you got back from the airport so I'm not sure." He said, draining his cup. "I'll go and see."


Brad's point of view

"Hey man." I said, as I knocked gently on Tristan's door and pushed it open.

Tristan looked up but didn't say anything. 

"We ordered you food, thought you might be hungry after all the packing."

Tristan nodded. 

"Do you want to come down for it?"

He shook his head and readjusted his position on his bed. 

"She's not gone forever. She will be back."

Tristan's gaze didn't move from the ceiling.

"She knows deep down you love her, and when she is back, you can sort all of this out." 

Tristan hummed in response. 

"It's not forever Tris. We're all here for you. Con, James, me. We won't leave you and we're here when you need us." I said as I headed back out the door. "I'll take these and put them with us." I pointed, taking his suitcases and shutting the door behind me. 

I put Tristan's suitcases with ours, before heading back to join the others. 

"What did he say?" James asked.


"He must have said something." Connor said.

I shook my head.

"I think he wants food though, I just don't think he wants to face us because he feel embarrassed." 

"What do we do?" Charlotte asked.

"I'm not sure, but we haven't got long. Joe will be here soon and he'll try and have a heartfelt chat and I don't think will help."

"Let him come down in his own time." Daisy said.

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