Chapter 19; The Day Of LA

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The sound of my phone vibrating against the wood of my bedside cabinet woke me. I looked at the time. 

3:30am. Eurgh!

I groaned and pushed the covers away from my warm body and slid my legs off the mattress and dragged my still tired body across my bedroom and downstairs to shovel down some breakfast before curling my hair and double checking I'd got everything for my suitcase, everything for my hand luggage and my important documents. 


Finally Lily and Sophie arrived. I'd been waiting for at least half an hour for them. I grabbed my bags and ran out the house, placing my bags in the car before running back and checking everything was all locked up and locking the front door. We drove to the boys house with our music blaring loud. The roads were quiet with it being so early, it was strangely eery but peaceful. We arrived and knocked on the door. There was no answer. We knocked again and waited. Still no answer. I decided to ring Brad. There was no answer. Next I tried James. 

"Daisy?" James' voice was groggy.

"James do you know what time it is?!" 


I could hear him scrambling out of bed and running out of his door, banging and shouting through the house. I hung up the phone just as the front door opens revealing a half naked James. 

"Hey sleepy-head!" Sophie said as she hugged him.


He moved away clearing us a passage through the hallway, which was lined with eight suitcases and four backpacks. We navigated our way through the maze of cases and went it to the kitchen, I flicked the switch on the kettle ready for when the boys came down. Lily flung seven teabags into seven mugs as Sophie took the milk from the fridge. 

"Mornin'" Tristan said as he jumped into the room dressed in skinny jeans with a coca cola belt, a union jack grey jumper and his white converse hi-tops. 

"Finally ready I see?" I say winking in his direction as Brad and Connor walked in followed by James. 

Brad was dressed in a black and white stripey top, with grey faded jeans with black shoes. I looked at him my eyes rolling up and down his body. Wow did he look good? Wait what? Did I really just think that? James was dressed in his black skinny jeans with a grey tank top with a denim shirt on top. I watched as he walked to Sophie revealing Connor, who was wearing a white t-shirt with a shirt on buttoned on top and the sleeves rolled down, his faded blue jeans baggy round his ankles. He looked adorable.

"Hey Dais" 

I snapped out of my thoughts. Glued to the spot. What had Brad just called me. I felt Lily's presence behind me, her hand rested on my shoulder. I shook it off and walked to the door, the kitchen was silent, but my head was loud, like drums banging in my head.

I walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs to the bathroom. I shut and locked the door behind me and sat on the edge of the bath. I felt up my sleeve for one of my hairbands and began pinging it against my skin. The pinging became faster. I pulled it hard and it snapped. Tears tricked down my cheeks as my eyes scanned the bathroom, looking for something sharp. There was some gentle tapping at the door but I ignored it zoning out before spotting a new packet of razors on a shelf with James' name on. I reached out and grabbed the packet. Opening it slowly I pulled one of the razors out. I pulled the sleeve of my left arm up and looked at the 'healing' scars. 

"Daisy! It's Lily! Let me in!" She was banging the door with her fist. 

I sat still, trying to stop the tears from falling more.


I wiped my eyes and cleared the mascara from under my eyes before opening the door to see a red-faced Brad standing there. 

"What the fuck are you playing at?!" He said coming into the bathroom and locking the door. 

He climbed into the bath and sat crossed-legged and invited me in next to him. I hesitated before obliging. He pulled me in for a hug as I sobbed in to his shoulders. 

"Daisy, I'm sorry."

My sobs continued as I pulled away and averted my eyes from Brad's gaze.



I may delete and redo this chapter and the next as I'm not to sure about my ideas but we'll wait and see!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the story so far, please comment and vote.

Em x

Things Can Change - The Vamps Fan-fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora