Chapter 30; The First Argument

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Daisy's point of view;

"It's nearly 1:00pm do you want me to give James a ring?" Sophie asked.

"Ooo James!" Lily laughed.

"Ooo Tristan!" Sophie mimicked.

We all laughed and Sophie rang James

who led the way to Nando's as she hung up the phone.

"They said before they do anything they want some food so meet at Nando's."

"Only ever thinking about their stomachs." I said as we arrived outside and joined the long queue.

We reached the front of the queue and asked for a table for 10 and then went to sit down whilst our table was prepared and whilst we waited for the rabble to arrive.

"SOPHIE! LILY! DAISY!" Four very loud voices reached our ears.

We turned our heads and saw four figures running to us and three other figures walking behind trying to hide that they were with the mad four. We all laughed as the waiter came over and led us to our table. We avoided the menus already knowing what we wanted and ordered. The boys offered to pay but we shot them down and ran to the tills. We drank, ate and talked enjoying ourselves. Tristan and Brad did the wing roulette both dreading the next piece of chicken. I had my chicken burger and corn on the cob with chips leaving most of the chips which were soon demolished. After Nando's we decided to go bowling and then either a film or just back to the hotel.

We arrived at the bowling alley and went straight to our lanes not having to change our shoes as we were either wearing Converse, Vans or Nike Blazers. I kept my eyes on Lily and Sophie with Tristan and James. Brad kept glaring at me every time I spoke to Connor which I found strange... especially after what had been said last night. Connor and I happened to just get on really well, like the sibling I never had. I gave Brad a smile but he returned it with a grimace, at that moment Connor scored a strike. I cheered with the others and pulled him into a hug. I released Connor and again looked over at Brad. The sparkle from his eyes had gone and instead was a scowl aimed at me and Connor. I tried to put it to the back of my mind as I went to take my go.

Just as the ball hit the pins I heard Connor's voice.

"This is pathetic Brad!" His tone was hushed and nobody else had noticed.

I walked over to them.

"What's pathetic?" I asked pretending to be clueless.

"Don't act like you don't know Daisy." Brad hissed.

"Don't go taking your anger out on Daisy Brad!" Connor snapped.

"It's her fault!" Brad snapped back.

Wait what?

"Wh-Brad what-what do you mean?" I asked totally puzzled now.

"You! One minute you're interested in me, the next you're all over him!" He snarled.

"For goodness sake Brad! I don't like Connor in that way at all and he knows that!" I snapped.

"Pffft!" Was all Brad could do.

"You know what Brad I don't really know why it's bothering you so much... It's not like we're a couple and we've never implied that we will be!" I said my voice rising.

"Well. If that's how you want to be!" He said as he finished his coke.

"You know what Brad you're just being damn right childish and I'm done with that."

I grabbed my coat and bag and walked towards the door and left. I didn't know where I was going I just walked. Ignoring the voices behind me.

I hailed a taxi and asked to be taken back to the hotel. My phone vibrated and kept going off in my bag.

"You run away or something miss?" The taxi driver asked.

"No." I laughed nervously.

"Your phone is going crazy!"

"Yeah just my crazy friends." I replied.

We pulled up outside the hotel chucked the driver some money, got out the taxi and ran up the steps to the hotel entrance then to our room. I shoved my last little bits into my suitcase and left a note for Sophie and Lily saying I'd gone, not to worry and I'd see them soon. I then wheeled my suitcase to the lift and waited as it painfully slowly took me back to the entrance. I gave in my key and walked back outside where a row of taxis were waiting. I hauled my suitcase into the boot of the nearest one and then jumped in the back.

"St Pancras please." I said as the driver pulled out the driveway and joined the traffic.


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