Chapter 11; Fry-Up

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Daisy's point of view;

It'd been very late by the time we eventually settled down for the night. Finishing another two bottles of wine as well as the first one I set out. I could feel Sophie stirring to my right, I rolled over to face her.

"Do you want some breakfast?" I asked whispering so as to not wake Lily up.

She nodded and we slowly slid up from the floor and walked through to my kitchen. I looked at the oven clock; 12:30am. Oops.

"What would you like? We have some bacon and fry up stuff in the fridge?" I asked as Sophie looked at the post it notes and photos covering the walls. 

"Mmm yeaah that'll be fine." She smiled turning to me again as I walked over to the fridge. "You and your mum are really close aren't you?" I nodded as she continued. "I wish I was like that with my mum, I mean obviously I love her and wouldn't want to change her for the world it's just we never spend time together you know what I mean?" She finished, watching me crack some eggs into the frying pan and then placing the rashers of bacon in.

"I think you and mum are just different that's all, you both love each other very much! It's clear she adores you, but maybe you just need to talk to her and ask her to spend some more time with you?" I said turning the bacon over.

"Yeah, I suppose so." Sophie said as Lily walked into the kitchen, her hair sticking up at different angles and her make up running down her face. Sophie and I stifled our giggles behind our hands. Everyone knew that Lily was a far worse morning person than me.

"Are you cooking a fry up?" She questioned. I nodded and her face lit up with glee.

I left Sophie and Lily in charge as I went off to have a really quick shower, I grabbed my phone of the table knocking off the slip of paper Connor had given me. I picked it up and looked at the numbers. Thinking. Do I? I unlocked my phone before I could change my mind and typed the numbers in sending the same text;


It's Daisy, thanks again for yesterday! I had a great day even if Brad has me on his hit list ;) 


I sent the text to all four of them, before scurrying up to the bathroom. I hadn't told Sophie and Lily about my going back to their house, happy to keep like many things, my little secret, even if it didn't last long.


Oi Oi!

Hello my dears! 

I'm very sorry for the shortness but it's just a filler. 

I hope you don't lose to much interest! 

Please comment and vote <3

Em x 

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