Chapter 29:

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At the moment the words leave my mouth, Kyle's expression suddenly changes from his bright and sly smirk, to the serious and deep eye contact. He seems speechless, since he didn't say a word for the last two minutes. His hands of course, stopped the work down there, and he's just facing me right now, shocked. Maybe just as shocked as I am, because honestly, I had no idea I was going to say that. I really didn't even know I was feeling that. 

Kyle takes a deep breath and finally opens his mouth, but closes it again. "I'm sorry" I whisper, closing my eyes. "Are you apologizing for loving me or for telling me this?" his sly smirk is back and he leaves a small peck on my lips. "Maybe both?" I say, blushing and he giggles. 

"Don't be. That's the greatest thing you could ever tell me, and that's seriously everything I ever wanted to hear from you... since day one" he says, his eyes piercing deeply into mine.

"W-what?" I stammer. "I don't care if you're just saying that, but I am... I am in love with you, Sam" he says. "I must say I never wanted this to happen, since we couldn't get along in the first place, but since we've been spending so much time together, I don't know I just... It just happened" he shrugs, sliding down from the couch to the floor, sitting next to me, his face in front of my face.

I support my head on my elbow, facing him back and feeling just so confused. 

"I was so afraid that you'd end up hating me if you knew how I was feeling about you, but... you didn't say a word about it, and I know Karen told you everything" he says. "She did" I slightly smile at him. "She's a bitch, anyway" he shrugs and I laugh. "She is" I agree. 

"I never planned to tell you that" I say. "I.. I don't know what happened you just... you kept pushing me to talk about the damn feelings, and I never actually talked about feelings, and I'm not even sure I've ever felt something. I just... it just slipped out of my mouth" 

"Do you regret it?" he asks. 

"No" I whisper, sliding down to the floor in front of him, wrapping my legs around his waist and his hands go instantly to my hips. I lean my back against the couch, and he kisses my neck. 

"I'm happy to be the first one to ever hear this words from you, then" he whispers in my ear, kissing the sweet spot under it, giving me the so welcome chills all over my body.

"Can you say it again?" he asks, kissing my lips. "No" I chuckle.

"We all know the truth now, so why keep it to yourself" shrugs. He kisses me slowly and with more passion than ever, his tongue slowly licking my bottom lip and I open it to actually speak, but he slips his tongue inside of my mouth, exploring it amazingly like he always does.

"I love you" he says, bitting my bottom lip, and I can feel fucking butterflies on my stomach. He kisses down from my jawline, to my neck and stays there for a second, just kissing and biting me.

"I love you" I breath, my tone is barely audible, but I know he heard it, because he just looks up at me, his eyes locked with mine, and a smile grows on his lips.  


The next morning I'm awake to the sound of my phone going off. I struggle to reach for it, since Kyle's weight is all over my on the bed, and I slowly take his arms away from me, so I can breath and answer the call. 

"Hello?" I answer with a sleepy and raspy voice. I don't know the number on my screen. 

"Um, Hi! Miss Moore?" the sweet female voice asks me. "Yes, it's me" I sit down on the bed, with my eyes still closed and I check on Kyle's watch next to the bed. It's fucking seven in the morning. 

"I'm Lauren from Carter Publicity" she pauses and I start to freak out. I totally forgot about the interview. "I'm calling you today to tell you, that we're very interested to have you with us, Mr. Carter liked your interview and he wants to hire you. Are you interested?" she asks me. Duh! 

"OH my god, of course!" I yelp, slapping Kyle's arm in excitment, and he moans something I can't understand, before he sits down next to me, just staring at me. 

"Great! So you should come at Monday at eight am. It'll be your first day and I'll show you around" she sweetly says.

"Okay, great. Thank you so much" I say before I hung up. "What the fuck just happened?" Kyle's raspy voice asks me, and I turn to him, and jump into him, hugging him. "I got the job!" I squeak, and he laughs against my hair.

"Ah! This is amazing, congratulations Sam!" he says, kissing my neck "I think this deserves a proper celebration" he smirks at me and I laugh. "Like what?" I ask him.

"Morning sex" he shrugs and I burst in laughter when he grabs me by the waist and throws me onto the mattress.

(a/n): such a short chapter i'm so sorry haha i just had to end this here. I'll update more through the weekend tho, just keep voting and commenting. I still want to know who do you guys imagine for the characters?? xxx 

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