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Three years later - Seattle, WA. 

"Okay, are you ready, love?" Kyle asks me and I nod, hesitantly. "You always get nervous, it's cute" he giggles and I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm not very good with people" I remind him.

"You're kidding? Just take a look on how many people you've helped" he points to the crowd sitting in front of us. We're backstage of the main salon where my speech is going to happen.

"I know I just.." I try but he cuts me off by stroking my back and smiling at me.

"It's okay. Just go over there" he whispers, slapping my bum, but before I can scold him, the spotlight is on me and I'm pushed onto the stage.

I'm applauded by the many people there. They're smiling. In a corner, I can see three of our last graduated patients. They look amazingly different from how they were when they checked in.

"Good evening, everyone" I quietly say holding the mic. "Its good to have you here tonight to hear about this amazing journey. We, from Davis Foundation are happy to have you here" I look to the side, on the backstage where Kyle is watching me with a wide smile on his face.

"I've been treated here three years ago, and I must say its not so easy. It doesn't even look easy, does it? Well, to be completely honest, I stayed clean for a whole year before I had a breakdown. Its absolutely normal. And that's why Dr. Lisa and Dr. Mark are here for us" I look at them sitting in front row. They're smiling and waving at the people waving at them.

"It was a long ride for me, as well. I've been treated, I fought with a lot of people, I even tried to escape the clinic a few times" I say and people laugh "but at the end of it all, I must admit that it was a good experience, and it did only good to me."

"My life changed a lot since then. I got more tattoos" they laugh again when I shown them the newest tattoo on my neck "I finally convinced my fiancé to get his first tattoo too" I smile at him and he winks at me "and yeah, oh! I did get engaged. Unlikely of what I'd do before, of course. I'm still the same person. So if you're looking for check in, or you know someone who needs help, and they're afraid to become someone else, remind them that this clinic does not change who you are. It changes the habits that turns you into someone you're not. Whether you know it or not, you don't want to live like that. And believe me, it took two years for me to realize that I was craving this life all along"

"The point of this event is to actually remind you that life can be pretty again if you just try a little bit harder. Life has flaws obviously. Its not a perfect world, and it still won't be after you leave this clinic. But I can guarantee you that you'll be happier, and you'll make the people around you happier"

"I'm graduated at Davis Foundation and I'm proud if it. And I'm proud of all of you, because checking in or not, just the fact that you came is a new step that takes courage. And you made it. Thank you all for coming" I say, finishing my speech, walking out of the stage and meeting Kyle backstage.

"That was truly amazing, as always" he says, kissing my lips. "I'm glad you finally spoke about the wedding" he smiles.

"We're not having a wedding. I don't want a party" I whine.

"We could always go to Vegas and get wasted" he suggests and I laugh.

"Minus the part where we get wasted" I remind him.

"Nah, you've been clean for over a year now, its alright if you just drink a little bit"

"I don't want to" I wrap my arms around his neck "I want to be clear sober and conscious when I marry you" I  smile at him pecking on his lips.

"I love you" he whispers, kissing me passionetly, dragging me out of the salon to his car.

"Where are we going?" I ask him between a laughter. His hurry on pulling me by the arm is making me stumble all the time on those damn heels. "The event is not even over yet!" I exclaim. 

"Our job is done, you spoke, and blah blah blah now let's go get married" he tells me after he  closes the door for me of his car, and head to his seat. 

"Are you kidding? I thought we were talking about a Vegas wedding just as a joke" I laugh.

"You don't want to? I thought you didn't want a fancy and cheezy party" he shrugs, looking at me frowning.

"I really don't want a party" I tell him, smirking.

"So let's get going" he says, speeding away and I throw my head back laughing of his expression. He looks like he just literally drank a hundred mogs of coffee, so energetic as he is. 

"We're really doing this, huh?" I ask him.

"Yup" he smiles at me "...Mrs. Davis" 

"Shut up" I slap his arm, laughing "Asshole". 

Okayyyy now it's over heyyyy you guys, how are youthank you for being with me all this time :)  i hope you liked it, sorry for the cliche i just wanted to end the story with the Asshole thing bc it was needed lol. I'll post a new book soon, so just fot you know, i will update this story with the link to my new book when its out. thanks guys! ily! 

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