Chapter 16:

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A few minutes later my mom comes back to the room and Kyle keeps his cautioned look on me, probably afraid I will freak out over my mom's earlier behavior towards me. I give him a slight nod and he leaves the room. 

"Are you feeling good?" she asks me and I nod at her "I just talked to the doctor. You'll be out soon, probably tomorrow" she smiles and I just nod again. "What's wrong? Did he say something to upset you?" she asks. 

"What?" I glare at her "how could he possibly upset me when he was the one to rescue me when I was passed out in my bedroom? When you should have fucking called 911 but you simply forgot!" I raise my voice and she winces, looking around to check if we're really alone. She closes the door and come close to me again, with frightened eyes. "What are you talking about?" she mutters with an insecure tone. She's not even looking at me now, she's just staring at the ground. 

"Kyle told me he drove me here because you were so panicked he was assaulting Paul that you simply forgot to call 911" I say "Do you really think this is something I can bear in my fucking mind?" She winces again. "Can you please watch your mouth?" she quietly asks and I groan at her "fuck off, mom. I could expect everything from you but this? No, I'd never expect such a thing" I say, looking out the window that thankfully happens to be right next to my bed. 

"I'm sorry if you think that's what really happened" she mutters and I look back at her waiting for an explanation. "I was chooked up to see your friend punching that guy's face, but I didn't forget to call 911. I don't know if you remember any of the things that happened that moment" she pauses and I shake my head no and she continues "your father arrived right after I dropped the phone and he heard the woman asking for the informations and he... he just hung up. He did it, not me" she finally tells me. "I tried to call again but he grabbed the phone off of me and I had to fight him to get it back, but I couldn't. He was just too strong" 

Wait... Is she telling me my father didn't want her to call 911? 

"So your friend... Kyle" she seems uncertain and I nod, telling her his name is right "...he just kept fighting your father because he was being so cruel but your father couldn't care less. He kept saying it was what you deserved for being such a drug addict and an alcoholic" she is quietly crying now "I tried, Sam. I really did. But then Kyle say he would drive you to the hospital so I was calmer with that, even though your father didn't allow me to leave the house to go with Kyle and your friend. I had to fight your father to get the car and drive all the way here. At least this fight I won" she gives me a weak smile and I can feel my eyes watering. I always knew my father despised me, but I'd never imagine he would be capable to deny my rescue for my fucked up mind and decisions. I know I'm wrong for doing what I've done, but still... He's my father. He should care for me, he should worry about me. I never understood why he despised me so much at first, I'm not a drunk since always. I had a reason to be who I am now, and he is 90% of that. He always despised me, he always were so careless when it comes to me. The only time we was there for me, was to punish me and make me feel like shit, like he always does. 

"It's okay" I whisper when I see my mom crying uncontrollably. "Mom, it's okay. I get it now" I comfort her when she leans her head against my chest and sobs. She pulls herself together after a few seconds and she's now smiling at me. "Where's he?" I ask her. "Who? Kyle? He is out-" I cut her off "My father. Where's he?" 

"He's at home. He didn't want to come" she says looking down to her feet. I already knew, actually. When she started to tell me what actually happened, I knew he wouldn't be here. Why would he? He's not worried about me at all. 

Two quiet knocks at the door startle me and my mom both, and my mom quietly asks for whoever it is to come in. It takes seconds for the blonde haired woman come in smiling warmly at us. She can't be older than my mom, but she's definitely over her thirties.

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