Chapter 19:

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Next morning I feel extremely hot and I see Kyle's weight over my body. His arms are wrapped around me, blocking my movements and his head is resting on my chest. I start to take in what the fuck happened last night and I can't help it but feel awfully satisfied. I keep staring at him, mentally begging him to move and at least allow me to get up, but he looks so adorable and calm in his sleep. 

"What are you doing?" his sleepy and raspy voice mumbles, startling me and making me blush slightly for being caught by his half opened eyes. "Um, nothing" I say, pushing him away and getting up. "Wait, are you leaving?" he asks me, supporting his weight on his elbows, still sleepy.

"Erm, yea. I... I need to get ready to my interview" I say, without bothering to look at one fucking clock, but still hoping that I'm on time. "Okay..." he mumbles "you don't have a car. Let me drive you" he says and I nod. He slowly stands up dressing up his jeans and pulling a shirt out of his drawer while I dress up my worn clothes.


"Thank you for the ride and... for letting me stay at your place" I mumble when he stops nearby Karen's dorm. "It's okay" he smiles at me. "Good luck on your interview" he says "unless you want me to take you there" he suggests. I look out of the window and even think about telling him I'd ask Karen to take me, but I know she's at her classes, and so should Kyle, to be honest.

"Don't you have any class to attend?" I ask him and he giggles. "I do, nothing so important though" he says and I nod. "Okay then, let me just change and get my stuff" I tell him, leaving the car. He surprises me by steping out of the car and following me.

"Where are you going?" I ask him. "Going up?" he tells me with a sly smirk on his face. "No, no! You wait here" I point to his car. "Nope" he says, passing by me and entering the building. "You can't be serious" I breath, following him. He's still an asshole, I can see. 

"Okay, now you wait in here, for real" I tell him after closing the door. I'm grateful Karen let the door unlocked and even more grateful her roommate didn't lock it after her. I grab my bag and take it with me to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. 

Minutes later, I'm totally ready with my dark skinny jeans and a plain black shirt. I don't have anything too formal or chic to wear for a interview so this is the closest I can get. When I leave the bathroom I almost stumble down with my face to the floor.

Kyle is next to the armchair my bag was on and he's holding something... something red... a red lace... He's holding my red lace pantie. The one with the matching bra that Paul mocks me so much. I think my cheeks must be of this same color, to be fucking honest. 

"What the hell..." I whisper when I spot the fabric on his hands. "Oh, look at that. You should wear these more often" he mocks me, handing the pantie to me. It must have fallen from my bag when I grabbed it, oh my fuck. "You can't just grab other people's underwear!" I yell. "Look who's speaking, the girl who was with my boxers on the whole night... Or, actually... Half of the night" he blinks at me and I roll my eyes. "You are such an asshole!" I shout, hitting him with my bag. 

"And you look beautiful" he says before he grabs my bag and toss it away, pulling me by the wrist and kissing me. I'm confused at first because everything happened so fast, but when I realize what's happening, I push him away. His kind words won't bring me to act lovely to him just because we had sex and slept together. I don't remember spending the whole night with someone after sex, it must have been a first time, but still... Not a big deal. 

"I'm an asshole and you're a bitch" he playfully says and I give him the middle finger, reaching for my bag and leaving the bedroom, hearing his footsteps behind me. 

"You know you can't just grab other people's lingerie and then kiss them all of sudden right?" I mock him after we're in his car. "Tell me you didn't like it" he challenges. "Well... I didn't" I lie and he laughs. "Now I will just pretend I believe you" he blinks at me. 


My interview went well, I guess. Hopefully they'll contact me as soon as possible and I'll keep expecting for their call. The money isn't much of a great thing, but it's still more than I make at the library. Plus, I think with a few months of working hard, I can make enough money to get me a car, the cheapest one of course. Maybe I can even afford my own apartment. And that's when it hits me. I still don't have anywhere to go, and fuck I won't sleep at Kyle's again so we all know what's going to happen. 

Not that it doesn't feel good to be with him, it is good. It's great actually. I'm just not sure about it, Kyle seems like the type that gets attached really quickly and he seems to be chasing after me wherever I am and it's not cool at all. I don't want a relationship right now, so if he could understand I just want sex and nothing more, it would be great. But he's a good guy that doesn't deserve to be held back to someone that doesn't want nothing more than his body. I laugh at my own thought while I'm making my way to a restaurant nearby Carter Publicity to have lunch with my mom. She just called me and we agreed to meet up there. I don't usually talk to her through the phone, or in person to be honest, but she's being nice to me lately I think I owe her that. 

"Hey Sam" she says, standing up of her seat to awkwardly hug me. "Hey" I mumble, taking the seat across from her. "So, what's new?" she asks me. "Well, my father kicked me out and I have nowhere to sleep, nothing too shocking" I ironically remark and her smile fades away. "About that... I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything" she says. "No, mom. It's not your fault. He's an ass" surprisingly, she laughs at my comment, and I even giggle a little at her reaction. She was always so quick to defend my father, it's kind of weird to see her laughing at some mean comment I've made. 

"Where did you sleep last night?" she asks me after the waiter leaves our table after give us our orders. "Um... a friend's place" I say, filling my mouth with food so I don't have to talk about it anymore. "Kyle's place?" she playfully asks me with a crooked smile and I almost choke to death. "Yeah, Kyle's place" I roll my eyes at her stupid grin "What?" I harshly ask her. "Nothing, nothing" she lifts her hands in defense "he just seems to like you" she says. "Oh, he doesn't" I tell her and she shrugs. 

"I wanted to talk to you about something, Sam" she says after a quiet time. I just nod at her, waiting for her to start speaking. "I've talked to your father. About everything, and he's not regreted at all..." she starts "Oh, really thank you for the update mom" I cut her off and she rolls her eyes "let me finish!" she scolds me "anyway, I've talked to him, and he said you can't come back home so you could learn your lesson. There's only one condition for you to come back" she says. "It doesn't matter, mom. I won't go back to that place" I tell her. "Damn it, Sam, just hear me out. He wants you to go to rehab" she finishes and I almost spit my food all over her from my laughter. 

"Are you serious? Why would I go to rehab?" I ask her. "Well, look at you. You are addicted, and I agree with him on that, I think you should do it. It won't do any harm to just take a look" she kindly suggests. "No, mom. Hell no! I'm not going to rehab. I'm not that addicted" now she's laughing at me. "You can't just say that, darling. We all know about the weed, the drinks and everything. You're not fooling anyone" she says. "Okay, you just wanted to see me so you could get on my nerves? If there's the only reason why you came to see me, then I'm out" I tell her, leaving the fork over the table and standing up.

"Samantha, don't make a scene" she whispers at me and I roll my eyes "Fuck it, mom. I'm leaving" I say turning on my heels and leaving the restaurtant. 

"Sam, wait!" I hear my mom yelling behind me when I reach to the driveway. I stop and turn around to face her. "Here" she grabs my hand and put something inside it, balling my hands after it. "What's that?" I ask, looking at the money she just gave me. "Money, so you can survive for a while" she says with that crooked smile of hers. "two hundred dollars?" I ask her. I'm surprise she even gave me some money, I know she doesn't really have money on her own besides my father's. "Does my father knows you got his money to give me?" I ask her. 

"Don't be silly, this is mine. I had some savings" she explains and I nod. "Thanks mom" I say, quickly walking away to avoid the awkward "hugging Samantha moment". I still need to find a place to crash for the night, again. I'm hating this homeless life, I need a drink. 

And with that thought, I already know the place I'm going to spend half of my money on. 

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